Chapter 14

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Bright's POV

A strong urge to grab Ohm and send him hurtling across the room washed over me but just as quickly ebbed away.

I noticed that Win's eyes were tightly closed as he savored the feel of Ohm's body on top of him and Ohm's muscular arms around him. While Win's eyes were closed I quietly sneaked out of the room so as not to disturb the two love birds.

I walked blindly towards the hallway leading to the set of elevators. For some reason my vision was getting blurry so I did not realize right away that there was a person heading towards me.

I almost bumped into him but was able to stop in my tracks just in the nick of time, and that was because he had called out my name.

"Bright?" he asked tentatively.

"That's me," I said, hastily wiping off the moisture from my eyes that was clouding my vision.

"That's me," I said, hastily wiping off the moisture from my eyes that was clouding my vision

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

He extended his arm towards me. He was holding a magazine size booklet which I instantly recognized as mine.

"Captain asked me to return this to you. He said you left it with him when you had your tutorial session and he thought you might need it for your next class."

"Thank you," I said, accepting the booklet from him.

He noticed me studying his face.

"I'm White," he said, extending his hand once more to me.

I took it saying, "And I'm Bright. Thank you for bringing over this booklet. Captain was right, I will be needing this as a reference guide to my lessons during my next class this afternoon."

"Captain is my roommate and since he was in a rush to go some place I offered to be the one to bring this over to you. I have seen your photos on Captain's phone and was curious how you looked in person," White explained.

I wondered if he thought that I looked worse in person, remembering how my tear stricken face must have looked dirty to him.

"I'm glad that I have finally met you in person," White remarked with a friendly smile. "You look even better in person."

"I don't think so but thanks anyway," I said with a sad smile.

"I mean it, Bright," he said, looking up at my face and smiling brightly.

He had walked with me towards the set of elevators and I didn't even have to press the service button because at that moment the elevator doors opened and Toey, the guy whom I recognized as someone occupying one of the rooms on the same floor as mine, walked out of it.

He nodded to me in greeting and I did the same to acknowledge it before stepping into the elevator. White quickly stepped in as well and then turned to me.

"Are you going down to the ground floor?" White asked.

When I answered "Yes" he pressed the G button and together we stepped out into the lobby when the elevator reached the ground floor.

Before we parted, he asked, "Is it okay if we exchanged numbers? I don't have too many friends in this university because I'm a transferee."

"Sure," I replied without hesitation.

White handed me his phone and I put my number into it, after which he called me so that his number could be registered in mine.

Little did I foresee that being friends with White would cause a serious rift between me and my friend/tutor Captain.

Little did I foresee that being friends with White would cause a serious rift between me and my friend/tutor Captain

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Toey's POV

I made a quick about face and walked back inside the restaurant as soon as I realized who the person was whom I had bumped into.

How could I ever forget that face. He was the one who had saved my life on that fateful day when those savage bullies were punching me almost into unconsciousness on the school playground.

I had developed a crush on Ohm after that day and I would always search for him in the playground but never had the courage to approach him whenever I spotted him there.

But as the years passed and we went separate ways I had forgotten all about him. I never thought that I would ever bump into him again, but that's exactly what had happened today. I had literally bumped into him again after all these years.

He was busy on his phone texting someone when I walked back inside the restaurant. I stood patiently and quietly beside him and waited until he finished what he was doing on his phone. Then he sensed that someone was standing beside him and looked up at me.

"I remember now who you are," I said to him without any preliminaries.

"I'm glad you do," he replied, "because I also remembered you as soon as you had walked out the door."

"I'm glad that we are studying in the same university," I said.

"Isn't it a happy coincidence?" he replied with a smile.

Then his attention went back to his phone because it seemed that whoever he had sent a text to had replied to him. I waited while he texted back a reply. When he finally set his phone down on the table I took a deep breath.

Then summoning all my courage, I asked him, "Is it alright if we exchanged numbers?"

"Oh, I was going to ask you that if you had not asked first," he replied with a smile as he handed me his phone.

I took it gratefully and keyed in my number and then handed his phone back to him. He tapped on my number and in the next instant my phone rang. We had effectively exchanged numbers and the thought of being able to reach out to him at any time sent my heart singing in joyful tones.

I couldn't think of anything further to say to him so I said, "It was good to see you again. I hope we can meet again sometime."

"Certainly," he said, and then to my surprise he stood up and gave me a buddy hug before giving his attention back to his lunch.

I walked away and made my way back to my dorm because I didn't have any afternoon classes. As I stepped out of the elevator on the floor where my dorm room was, I saw Bright and as usual my heart turned somersaults in my chest.

I was starting to get confused. Was it possible to fall for two guys at the same time? And if that was possible, was the intensity of feelings the same for both, or would the intensity be stronger for one of them?

I suppressed a sigh as I nodded to Bright in greeting. He nodded back to acknowledge my silent greeting and sent my heart spinning in my chest all over again.

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