Chapter 26

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Win's POV

"Enjoy your semester break. See you when you get back, Bright."

I stood staring at the post-it note stuck on the refrigerator door.

I read the note one more time.

"Enjoy your semester break. See you when you get back, Bright."

It was as if I had just won an ice bucket challenge because I felt a cold shiver slowly travel down from the tip of my head all the way to the tips of my toes.

I looked around the room.

Why did I not notice it when I first walked in?

I guess I had just been so focused on sharing with Bright the lunch that I had bought for him and myself. And then after lunch, I was planning to have the much needed conversation with him, to clarify with him once and for all the situation with Sapol and Ohm.

But no, now as I am looking carefully and more attentively around the room,  I am noticing for the first time that his study table is bare. That his bed is bare of linens and pillows.

I ran to his closet.

I was close to tears to discover that it was bare of any kind of clothing as well.

Suddenly, even though I felt hungry earlier, so hungry in fact that I thought I could eat a horse, now, suddenly I lost my appetite. In fact I felt like throwing up.

I flung myself face down on my bed not bothering to hold back the tears.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. The ringtone indicated that it was Sapol calling.

I swiped my phone screen.


"Win! Are you alright?"


"Win! Talk to me, please! You don't sound alright!"

I kept quiet. I had no energy to argue with him. Plus he was right anyway about me not being alright.

"Hey, listen, Win, stay where you are. I'll pick you up from your dorm and then we can proceed right here to my house."

"No, Sapol, no!"

"Why not? Why do you sound so horrified at the idea of coming to my house? You promised to attend my birthday celebration which is tomorrow, so you might as well spend the night here tonight."

"No, Sapol! You don't understand! I can't!"

"You can't, or you won't???"

I tapped on the red X on my screen without bothering to answer his question.


I must have fallen asleep out of physical and mental exhaustion. I say physical even if I had not done anything physically strenuous because my nonstop crying took so much physical energy out of me.

When I woke up, the room seemed to have darkened a little.

I looked at the time on my phone screen.

Four minutes past five. Holy crap, I had slept for five hours! I had slept face down on my pillow!

It was a good thing that I had not suffocated myself to death, although I might as well have done so, seeing as Bright was no longer in my life.

I was slowly shifting my position so that I would be lying on my back instead of on my stomach, when the door was suddenly flung wide open.

"Sapol! What are you doing here??? I told you not to come and pick me up! How did you even find my room???"

But Sapol didn't seem to hear anything that I was saying.

He just silently but forcefully pulled me out of bed.

I struggled to get free from his grasp but he was much stronger than I was.

I heard him grunt a little before hoisting me over his shoulders.

I started pounding against his back with my fists.


Someone growled from the doorway.

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