Chapter 13

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

"Thank you. Really."

Win felt sincerely grateful as he watched Bright setting the small dining table inside their dorm room and transferring the food that he had bought for Win and himself into individual bowls.

Then Bright went over to Win's bed and helped him to stand up on one foot by placing his arm around Win's waist and making Win put his arm around Bright's shoulder. Slowly Win made his way to the table with Bright's help.

"Mmm... I love it," Win said, savoring the taste of the chicken in sweet potato soup.

"You love it... " Bright murmured... "what about me, do you love me?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Win  couldn't make out what Bright was murmuring to himself.

"Nothing," Bright said, scooping a spoonful of the soup and bringing it to his mouth.

Suddenly, Win's phone that was on his bed, sounded a text notification.

"Let me bring your phone to you," Bright offered, jumping quickly to his feet.

Of course, Bright could not resist the temptation of peeking into Win's phone.

Shit, it was a text from Ohm offering to bring Win some beef satay. He even accompanied it with a picture of the dish.

Bright handed the phone to Win.

'You gotta be faster than that, Ohm' Bright was thinking to himself, 'sorry but I'm one step ahead of you.'

"Thanks," Win said as he accepted the phone from Bright.

Bright watched Win's face closely as Win went through Ohm's texts. Win's facial expression was unreadable while he sent a text reply to Ohm.

Bright was itching to ask Win what his response was but he was careful not to ask anything. Instead, he stood up and went over to their room refrigerator and took out a can of Est-cola and set the can beside Win. (A/N: sorry I couldn't resist! They have been advertising this drink so much in most Thai BL series!)

"Thanks," said Win, "what about you?"

"That happens to be the last can," said Bright, "I'm just gonna have a bottle of water."

"No, no, no," Win protested, "you take this and I'll have the bottle of water."

"Take it, Win, I insist," said Bright as he walked back to the refrigerator and took out an eight ounce bottle of spring water.

Bright uncapped the water bottle as he was walking back to the table and then drank from it before sitting down.

"If you really prefer water, I can take another bottle for you from the fridge," Bright offered.

"No, thanks, I'll be fine with this soda," said Win, his can making a hissing sound as he tugged against the tab making some of the carbon escape.

There was another text notification sound coming from Win's phone.  Bright was not able to see who it was who sent it because Win had picked up his phone quickly.

Bright heard Win sigh before texting back a reply.

When Win noticed Bright staring at him, Win said, "It's Ohm. He's insisting that he brings an order of beef satay to me even though I had informed him that I'm already having lunch."

"Did you mention that you're having lunch with me right now?" Bright asked.

Win's face grew a bright red.

"No," Win replied guiltily.

It was Bright's turn to have his face grow a dark red but for a different reason. He felt upset that Win omitted telling Ohm that Bright had already brought him some lunch. And since, on top of that, Win had vehemently denied to Ohm that he and Bright were in a relationship, which in fairness to Win was true, Ohm saw no reason not to pursue Win.

They continued their meal in silence.

Then Win spoke up. "Ohm said that he would bring the beef stay to me and that I could keep it in the fridge and warm it up later for dinner."

"And did you agree?" Bright asked.

Again, Win's face grew a bright red.

"Yes," Win replied guiltily.

Once more, Bright's face also grew a dark red and again, for a different reason. But what was he to do. He had no right to dictate to Win what to do or what not to do.

Bright quickly gulped down the last small amount of water from his bottle and stood up and discarded the empty bottle into the trash bin under the sink. Then he went back to the table and picked up his bowl and poured the leftover from his bowl into the side of the sink where the GDU was and then pressed the GDU button.

"That was a lot of leftover to throw away," Win remarked.

"I lost my appetite," Bright replied.

"You could have kept it in the fridge to re-heat it later for another meal," Win said.

"I never eat leftovers," Bright said as he walked towards the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Bright had just closed the bathroom door when Win heard someone knocking on their door.

Oh shit, that was Ohm for sure.

Win painfully stood up from his chair and started limping towards the door to open it. His face was contorted in pain by the time he reached the door because in his hurry to reach the door he had been forced to put his weight on his injured ankle.

When Ohm saw Win grimacing in pain, he quickly set the brown paper bag he was carrying on to the kitchen counter and quickly scooped Win in his arms and carried Win to his bed.

As he set Win down on his bed, for some reason Ohm lost his balance and fell on top of Win.

And the intimate image of Ohm on top of Win, with Ohm's arms wrapped around Win was what met Bright as he stepped out of the bathroom.

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