Chapter 22.

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Ivory's House, New York.
following night, 9:45 pm.

She was startled out of her sleep, hearing noise coming from the door knob. Sitting up, she watched as Lance busted thru the door, having a miserable look on his face. Ivory sat up on the couch, watching as he made his way from the front door entrance all the way to kitchen.

" Another night, no food. You still manage not to make your husband some damn food, huh?"

Ivory didn't answer him, only blankly staring at him.

" What? You don't got nothing to say to that?" he continued as he expected to her answer. As she still sat quiet, he shook his head as he scoffed, mumbling some more underneath his breath.

" You know, I gotta stop expecting so much outta yo ass Ivory, for real. I mean, you're pregnant for god sake's. That within itself is just gonna make you more of the lazy prick that you already are..." he says as he laughs. " I might as well just hire a maid."

" yeah, I'm sure Kelly would do the job for you." Ivory says boldly. He stopped what he was doing, looking at her.

" Who?"

" You know who I'm talking about. The lady that you've been texting back and forth with consistently for the last month...that's who."

" Oh, you checking my fucking phone now? Looking through my shit?! You must got jokes huh?" Lance says
as he looks dead at her.

"...Well, the joke is on you. Cause Kelly is one of the many big investors that I've been speaking to for the label. And she's looking make some money moves, just like me."

" How sway is that Lance? Every lady that you work with is looking to make money moves with you...but all they end up doing leaving you in the dust when your little sexual tactics doesn't convince them to work with you. And then you end up making other dumb ass mistakes...which is most likely why you're in debt when it comes to the record label. Money is running short, and you're trying to find your way out. So you're helping out your buddy, Frank...who happens to be involved with organized crime, and has been doing so for as long as I can remember. You're hoping everything just falls through, so you can get yourself a nice fat check, and hope it just saves the dynasty that you think you built up on your own, right? Like you didn't have a wife that was there to help guide you through every damn thing that came your way...being your shoulder to lean on when times got rough! Doing all of the things that a wife would do for his husband!"

" Them hormones must be getting to you huh, Ivy?" Lance says, laughing in her face. " They must be hitting you right now."

" Lance, I'm sick and tired of standing by, letting you treat me any kind of way you want. Talking me like I'm your pet. I'm tired. And I can't deal with it anymore."

" Ivy, you're really starting to piss me the hell off. I didn't come in this place with no type of intention of fighting and arguing I don't get why you're in the mood for it. Go do what pregnant woman do, which is sit on they ass and watch TV. You're good at that." Lance says, taking out bread and jelly to make him a sandwich.

Ivory felt tears wanting to roll down her cheeks, but she refrained from doing that. She didn't want to show any weakness to him whatsoever. She went inside of their bedroom, going to get all of the bags that she had packed from earlier.

" What's with all this luggage doing here? What the hell?"

" I'm done with you Lance. I'm leaving."

" Ivory, getcho stupid ass back over here and stop playing with me. You ain't going no fucking where..." Lance says, finishing up spreading the peanut butter on his sandwich. Ivory ignored him, going over and getting her phone from the couch.

" Ivory! Where are you going? What the fuck did I just say?"Lance spat, putting down the knife. Not being able
to see her in his vision anymore, he followed behind her, running and grabbing the door before she could fully
open it.

" Ivy, I said you ain't going nowhere! What did you not understand about that?"


" Stop all that damn yelling! You hear me?!" Lance says, grabbing Ivory by her neck. She gasped slightly, feeling his strong hands holding onto her fairly tight.

" What's wrong with you girl? Hm? What's gotten into you? You forgot who you was? You're my wife. Lance's woman. You belong to me, and when I say you ain't going where, I mean that shit."

" I hate you. I hate you with all my guts." Ivory says, tears falling from her eyes. " You ain't no real husband, you're just a joke. A piece of shit. I wish I never met your dumb as—"

Ivory hit the floor, not being able to feel her head for a moment. She tried to get back up, but down came Lance, punching her in her face. She screamed and screamed, hoping that someone could help her. But the only person would've been able to do that at this point was her.

"AGHH!!!" Lance yelled out, feeling her nails run across his face and eye. Ivory stumbled, trying to get herself back up while also trying to get away from him. Not being to see very well, Lance grabbed the closest thing to him, throwing it at her. It hit Ivory in her back, causing her to fall again.
He managed to come back to her, grabbing her by her neck.

" Lance—please!!! St-stop!!! I'm begging you!" Ivory cried, feeling blood coming from her nose and lips.

Lance looked at her, anger stemming from his flaring nostrils. He was about to hit her again and was tempted to, but he looked at her as he caught his breath. Hearing her cries, seeing her bloody face....then seeing her stomach. It only made him feel slightly remorseful.

He let go of her neck, standing up over her. She gasped tremendously, breathing heavily and painfully. Her left
leg went numb, so she didn't even try to get up. But none
of that even faxed her at this moment. The only thing she
was even worried about was the child in her womb.

" Yo ass better be cleaned up and be in the bed by the time I get back." Lance says as he puts his coat on.

" And don't even think about tryna leave or call somebody bitch. Stay your ass here, cause I promise you that it'll be your last day on this earth if you ain't..." he says.

He took her car keys and phone, and went over to the internet router, throwing it down on the floor. Then, he left the house, slamming the door behind him. Ivory shuddered, chills going down her arms as she laid cold on the floor.

The only thing she could do at this point was pray. And that's what she did, putting her hand on her stomach. She couldn't lost herself, but most importantly she couldn't and didn't want to lose her child.

Not again.


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