Chapter 1.

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New York City, New York.
7:45 pm

" Mhm." Lance said in a low tone. He had his hands glued to her thighs, holding her up as he pinned her against the shower wall.

" This pussy is mine." Thrusting deeper into her, Ivory felt herself wanting to cum. She held onto him,tightly wrapping her arms around Lance's broad shoulders. He looked into her eyes, grinning as he saw her slowly start to lose herself.

" tell me you love me baby." he says sternly. Ivory bit her lip, not having the energy to say anything. He managed to grab her throat, making her face him. She gasped, water welling from her tears from the pressure.

" I love you Lance...I—oh my god!" She came even closer to her climax, as he pounded harshly into her. She dragged her moans as she finally hit her high, and he followed her as he hit his as well. Her legs went numb as he lowered her from the position, holding onto the rail for balance.

" Someone's tired." he says as he grinned. Ivory smiled small, holding on to the hand he held for her. After helping her get dressed and oiled up, Lance helped Ivory into their king size bed, throwing the plush covers over her. He stood over her, smiling as he looked at her and limp body.

" Aren't you going to lay down?"

" I can't. Not right now at least."

" Why not?"

" Javier hit me up a couple minutes ago. There's a late night session at the studio, and I can't miss it." Lance explains.

" Why am I just now knowing?"

" Completely forgot about it. And I was very much distracted." he says, making her grin a little.

" Look, I should be back by 10. Ight? he says. Lance kisses her cheek.

" I'll make sure to get that foundation you wanted for your face." he adds on. Ivory nodded, waving as she watches him exit the door. Once she heard the other door out in the hallway close, she exhaled. She wanted to go and look at the mark that was on her face, but her body was too tired. She lightly touched it, wincing as she felt it.

A tear fell from her eyes as she prayed, asking the lord for strength. Strength to help her through what how she was mentally feeling at the moment. She needed it right now, just to make it through the next day.


next day...

I woke up fairly early, it seemed. After rubbing my eyes and letting them adjust to the sunlight, I felt around on my bed, hoping that Lance was there on the other side. But like usual, he wasn't. I should be used to by now, shouldn't I? He never comes home when there's a late night studio session.

After moving around, getting my hygiene together, I went to the kitchen, fixing myself some coffee. I turned on the TV, listening to the early morning podcast and radio mix that was on. My phone rang suddenly, and I went to get. ' Oh..' I say rolling my eyes as I grinned. Instead of seeing Lance's contact pull up, it was actually my best friend, Sharon that was calling me. She always did.

" Hello?"

" Well good morning girly. I wasn't expecting you to actually answer the phone this early in the morning."

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