Chapter 2.

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New York City, New York.
April 25th , 2016.

Waking up to the sounds of a noisy alarm, Cairo eye's cracked opened. He rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the bright light that shunned outside. " Damn..." he mumbled to him self as he seen the clock. It was 2:45 in the afternoon. He thought back to the wild night that he had last night, being at the club and partying till 3 in the morning.

He got up from his bed, taking a long shower and doing his hygienic doings. After that, he went to the kitchen, making him a fresh bowl of Frosted Flakes. He went out to the balcony of his quarter million luxury penthouse, sitting and enjoying his meal.

His phone was constantly going off, and it was interrupting the peaceful setting. Sighing, he went up to go and get it. It surprised him to see all the messages and all missed phone calls he gotten from his publicist, Tory.

" Shit." he said, seeing one text in particular. It was about the studio session that he was set to have with Grammy winning producer, Lance Carter. He and his team both agreed to have him be on Cairo's 2nd album as a main
producer. But he'd completely forgotten about today being the first time with them actually working together.

Forgetting about his cereal, he rushed inside and got ready for the studio session. It started at 4:30, and it was already


Pulling up, Cairo parked his white Lamborghini Aventador near the back of the closed in parking lot

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Pulling up, Cairo parked his white Lamborghini Aventador near the back of the closed in parking lot. He got out of the car, fixing his jeans and his chain, before making his way in side of the building. Carter X Studios.

" Cairo!!! We've been waiting for you boy!" one lady says as soon as he entered through the door.

" My fault for the delay...there was a lot of traffic."

" No worries! Come right this way." the lady says. Cairo nods, following behind the lady.

He looked around the place, admiring all the interior design inside. He examined all the plaques that were around too, seeing all of the award and achievements earned. When he finally got to the studio, he was almost in awe at how it all looked, never being in a studio like this one.

" Mr. Brown....I'm glad to see you here."

" I'm glad to be here. This whole place is nice. Real nice."

" I always gotta keep it looking spiffy..." Lance says as he grins. " But I know what you came here for, so let's get to it." he says.

Cairo nods, Lance introducing him to the rest of the people who were around in the studio. Cairo explained to them all what he was essentially wanting to achieve with this album, going from talking about the main theme of it to how many tracks were going to be on it.

This album for Cairo meant a lot to him. He had pretty high expectations set for himself too. He never really saw himself being this huge R&B music star, as he was simply just did music to make himself happy and as a hobby. But his big hit single, " Back to Sleep " made him an overnight sensation back in late 2014. It earned him a BET award, a billboard nomination, and led him to getting his first record deal. But, that wasn't all. As soon as he was signed, he worked hard and dropped his debut album in May of 2015, which went on to be double platinum. He earned him a Billboard award, 3 MTV awards, and a Grammy nomination. He was known all over of the country, and was getting to be a international star.

Since Cairo's music engineer, Bryson had already known Lance and worked with him, the both of them let Cairo hear a revised beat that they had in mind for one of the songs. He was messing with the beat heavy, vibing as he bobbed his head to the beat.

" You seem to like the beat bro bro..."

" Hell yeah, I fuck with it heavy." Cairo says as he grins. He looks over his shoulder, seeing a black woman coming into the studio. In his eyes, she seemed to have herself together, having class.

He watched as she went around, giving all the ladies a friendly hug. Thoughts were building in his mind as he saw continued to look at her, but all of those thoughts went blank as he saw Lance walk over to her, kissing her on the lips.

" Guys, I wanna introduce to my wife, Ivory. Definitely my other half..." Lance says, wrapping his arm around her. All of everyone waved, and so did Cairo, getting a better view of her now that she was in front of him.

He wasn't expecting Lance to even have a wife. With the many stories of him and his scandalous ways with chicks, ig would be absurd to think.

" Ivory, this is the new artist that I'm gonna be working with. His name is—" Lance says.

" I'm Cairo. Cairo Brown." he says, interrupting Lance. He stuck out his hand for Ivory to shake, and she didn't delay.

"...nice name." she says as she grinned. Cairo grinned as well, looking at her up and down. And he seen the change of expression of her face as she glanced over at Lance, who seemingly looked bothered.

" Baby, you can make yourself comfy over there in the lounge room or you can go to my main office and chill in there if you like. That's where I prefer you go anyway, cause it's gonna be crazy in here." Lance says. She nods, and he gives her a wet kiss on the cheek before letting her go.

" Aye...."

" y-yeah? What's up?"

" you good man?" Lance says, noticing that Cairo was staring hard.

" I'm straight...I'm ready to hop on this track actually." Cairo says. Lance nods, pulling out a cigar and lighting it up.

" Let's get this thing crackin' then."


The place was lit, Cairo couldn't lie. Music playing, the smell of marijuana, the bottles of Cristal around the place. And to top it all off, there were strippers and bottle girls here too. It gave the whole place a never ending club vibe that Cairo was used to, since he was always out partying. Cairo felt himself feeling full and a bit drowsy, and wanted to take a quick walk around.

Being drunk is the last thing he had in mind for tonight, especially after the intense hangover he had the night before.

" Yo Lance, where's the bathroom at?"

" It's down near room A-14....kind of near my office if you seen it. When you get near just turn right and it'll be on the left side..." he said. Cairo nodded, slowly getting up from his spot.

" Aye, and make sure you close that door when you leave out." Lance said once more. Cairo looked over at him and nodded as he grinned. He knew why Lance had said that. He dang near had 3 strippers surrounding him. But what Cairo didn't understand is why is had them around. At least near him. Didn't he have a wife?

Going pass Lance's office, Cairo noticed that Ivory was out near the vending machine. It seemed like the bathroom was there too, as he stopped a few feet behind her. He took a long glance at her from behind, admiring the small waist she possessed and the rich brown skin that laid on her as well. He knew he had no business checking her out the way he was, but he couldn't help himself. He felt he was doing pretty well anyway, as he kept his thoughts and feelings to himself. Usually, he would've already expressed himself in a bold manner.

" Hey Cairo..."

" you doing?" Cairo says, coming out of the trance that he was in.

" I'm doing fine. Just hungry, as you could see." Ivory says as she giggles, holding a handful of snacks.

" ......are you lost?"

" Oh nah...Just going to use the bathroom." he said, looking at her as he studied her face.

" Oh okay then...I won't hold you then." she says as she smirks.

He nodded, watching her as she walked away. He licked his lips and shook his head, not knowing why he was feeling the was he. For some odd reason, he just wanted to know more about her. And he couldn't hold out on it. He didn't want to and knew he couldn't even if he tried.


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