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A nine-year-old girl's playing in the park when she got taken and she's forced abound all cause the man's wife couldn't have a baby cause of an accident making her to remain hidden for her own safety as he could be fully looking for her right now. She call her mother, the police and the hospital about it and not told where she is.

It's making this to be worrisome as she knows her body reproduce system's too mature and she's freaking out. She keeps hiding from him and knows there's a tracker in her skin really. She even asked Ayakashi to fully remove it and to eat the man who placed it inside of her and for fully raping her making the Ayakashi to be furies.

They agreed and it's gone with the man badly hurt, but not dead making her to fully snap her fingers. She kept having visions of her daughter and growing inside of her. She smiles and sings one song only making her child to remain asleep inside as she eats as much fast food as possible to keep her child feed more than just herself.

It's making her to create a great place for only her, her mother and her daughter to live in, but her mother got killed in front of her and she screams making her to unleased her other Quirks for the first time and she's placed into the hospital cause of it. She woke up to her being in labor making her to have her daughter.

She begged the doctors to not let the raper to take her daughter away making them to try and they explained to the judge it's all caused by rape since she's nine plus he killed her mother as well, too in front of her. The man's furies he lost as it's his child and he can raise it better than a child can and he kidnapped the baby making her to scream.

"He kidnapped my daughter!" That's making there to be a man hunt out there for the man and to fully return the baby. It's making her to cry harshly as she wants her daughter back. At age ten fully eight months and twenty-eight days later, she got raped again making her to panic as she remembers what he looks like.

She got a wanted poster of him this time around. He's five years older than herself making this to be bad. She waits until she gave birth and stays for a month or two before she heads to her new home as she moves there fast and she can still remember how she made it by her first Quirk she has unlocked.

She's checking out this 'Buy House and Land' thing the night she's on the run and she saw where it is she can buy and she chose the forest for a good place. She noticed that there's three up, down and side to side arrows on the menu. She fix the front entrance first. She makes it to look like a perfect driveway.

She looks down from her screen to see the land properly. She press ten plots of land in front of the long sidewalk she had made afterwards which's both two thousand and ninety feet × two thousand and ninety feet as she made sure there's a road to connect the driveway to by making the two ends to connect back to the road.

She then moved up by twelve by the same measurements and then she has pressed the three side arrows by six by the same measurements as this makes it easier as she starts the side plots when she's near the third plots of land. She pressed on the driveway part of this function and used five fingers to do a driveway.

It's from the sideways to the halfway point of the second plot and did a half circle before going back and fully connects the lines to the driveway and then back down before she went to fully fix the sidewalk up. She placed a very large koi fish pond in the circle and line part making her to fix it up with ten filters.

She added ten large waterfalls to make it look nice and added about ten lily pads and she added about ten hundred to twelve hundred different colored and patterned koi fishes into the pond. She then saw she can place a already built home or build her own home which she went for building her own home.

It'll makes it more special for when she gets her daughter back from the kidnapper. She placed the front porch after about four inches after the halfway point with some patio stones in front of it. She made sure the patio stones were in the ground and leveled up as she makes sure the porch's a bit longer inwards of the plot.

She has a roof over top of it as she saw she can move it like it's three dimension making this to be easier for her as she's enjoying this. She's looking at the porch and placed a double doorway with both doors having the automatic body viewing peephole to make sure they don't have a weapon anywhere on their body.

 This allows viewing outside, but not inside making it to be very perfect. It'll even teleport them to the police station if they have no Quirk, Villain Prison a.k.a Tartarus if they have a Quirk with a note for each one. She has the front of the house to have two windows with a long width and length to be increased.

It's to allow sitting of only fourteen people and if stretched out sitting, will hold four people max with eight people space between feet to sit if they want. She then placed ten normal walls down after the windows as she has placed a ten inches width wall between them and the front door which allows her to place a closet against it.

She place it on the left side with the width being eighteen inches and the length being nine inches to hold a lot of coats and hangers inside as the right side's the very same measurements, but more for the shoes. She did place some wooden floors down to place the closet down onto.

The front of the house has two more walls on the sides before she did the length of the house. She did want a lot of children, but she's fully willing to do four max until then, so she placed down eighty walls down with windows the length making her to imagine only twelve bedrooms on the second floor.

She placed down forty more and then saw four more bedrooms fitting in making her to have a back porch with the same two windows and window seats with double doors. She had made a driveway to the backyard for vets and sheep shavers only.

'Covering the basics.' She thinks as she made sure a eight inch space between the house and driveway to keep accidents from happening as she has barns for cows, sheep with a ram, goats with pigpens for only ten female pigs only that're pregnant with sixteen piglets max. She even has a chicken coop.

She has it in a form of about two double decker buildings fused together on the side to allow there to be a lot of room and chickens making her to be happy with this. She has saw how big Liziqu's kitchen was in her videos and has it be in the next room after the huge library in the front, but twice the size.

She has it set in that style since she can't cook modernity since a Ayakashi friend took her to the past one time in China and loved cooking over the large woks. The house's large and she had added about two hundred traditional Japanese houses for retainers and she had fixed the driveway to the backyard.

The living/dining room's across from the library to allow a large flat screen TV that covers ⅜ of the wall there to view the news in the morning as it's critical to have information in the mornings as she has the large master bedroom. She also made sure to have the pantry set to store stuff into as she plans to do her own farming.

She plans to sell butter, meat, wool, milk, animal leather, eggs, mayonnaise and vegetables, berries, herbs and fruits. She even has about fourteen bedrooms for children or guest as she even fully added in personal bathrooms and four normal bathrooms. She did a second floor were there's a long swinging sofa.

She has a long fourteen person seating couch with two attached to it as their fronts are connected to the sides as she had the arm parts removed for all three, but left the left and right side ones to the side ones. She even has a table to fix the length of the couch to make it fair for everyone.

She even added some cabinets to hold some games in and coloring books, too. She had the trees she had fully removed and the many brushes be used for kindle use in the kitchen. She feeds her son and placed him down to sleep as she needs to know where her poor daughter is as she wants her back now.

She can't help, but fear she's going to be hurt once her Quirk comes in and that's not a very good thing at all fully. She fears for her own daughter's life and she doesn't fully want her hurt by just about anyone making her to pray for her daughter's safety and that she doesn't get hurt by anyone on a daily bases repeatedly.

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