Class 1-A

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Both her and Hitoshi got into the school as both are in the same classroom making this to be easier as for those two weeks, she has been teaching him non-stop and when taking a break, it's book work on the Wind Chun Dragon Pole Fighting Style.

She also had added in some other stuff making him to get a good fit body for the pole as he's a bit more fitted for his body. She's a great teacher making him to fully wonder how she handles having a child as he doubts he could handle it.

It's making Mikage to shows up with her son who's crying cause of his Quirk hurting his body making her to thank Mikage and have him back in the necklace to rest since he's very tired right now and he has a couple of days off.

"Shhh, mama's here. Mama's here." She glows and her son's back to normal making Hitoshi to not ask and focus on his work as the child's placed down for a nap. Hitoshi wonders how she fully managed to handle life without both her parents.

He can tell they aren't there and one of her friends mentioned how her mother's just killed in front of her by the bastard who raped her. It's making him to be upset as that's a good way of causing trauma to someone.

This is making him to wonder if he can fix it up. Both got their letters and they're in the top place together which's first place making them to be the power couple if they ever dated making both to blush, but she looks sad in the eyes after a moment.

It's making him to lean her a shoulder if she needs it making her to thank him for it. They went to school and they went to their homeroom making her to see her friend who she ignored since she got raped and never showed her face back at school ever again since then.

It's making her to stay in touch by letters until now making him to look over to her and just fully stares. Their homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa shows up and he gets them all into their gym uniforms and to follow him outside.

It's where he'll explains what they're going to do and if they fail all eight test, they'll be expelled making them to freak, but she stayed calm and just glares her eyes at him as she knows that's just bullshit he's talking about.

"Bullshit." Everyone turns to see a maneki-cat who's on her left shoulder.

"You can't just do that. I swear humans are weird, Izuna." She sighs as she has to agree, but humans are still evolving to where they can solve their own very problems, but then again, they don't like something they can't understand.

"And the first thing that they think is shoot and ask questions later." Izuna said making him to think and nod at it.

"Hm. True enough." Everyone stares at the talking cat.

"Midoriya... Who's this?"

"Madara, a child between a Ayakashi and a Divine God. He's more Ayakashi and can't go into the Divine Realm. You can only see him in this form while the other one's his true form and you fully won't be able to see him.

None of you, but Hitoshi and I have enough Spiritual Powers to see his true form. If you need a drinking partner, sensei, he's you Ayakashi." He snorts as he smiles at her as she's telling the truth on that one fully.

"We'll see, problem child."

"Hey! I don't go looking for it! IT finds me!" Madara agrees with that.

"And do I have to mention the one time you actually willingly went into a large Ayakashi's mouth to pull out a ax that got stuck in the roof of their mouth?" That was making them to all flinched as she didn't care.

"I won't live long since I have a lot and my body can't properly handle it. Luckily, I found a Ayakashi who doesn't mind draining me a bit, so I can live longer. It happens a lot with children who have too much Spiritual Powers ." Izuna confesses to them.


"Shigura. May he be a young God of Fortune, I don't care for that since it's doesn't even bring happiness to people, but greed. He gave me a mark to drain my Spiritual Powers down enough to keep me alive." Izuna said making Madara to be shocked.

 Shigura's a handsome man who looks deceptively young, he wears an old umbrella upon his head with one eye-slit for vision. Underneath the old umbrella, he has light brown wavy hair that goes down to his neck, red eyes and pale skin.

"Why him?" Madara asked as he doens't get it at all actually. She has six Shiki's who drains her and she still has a whole lot of Spiritual Powers left over?! Just how much Spiritual Powers does she have?! It feels like twice of what her grandmother had.

"I helped him out and I also had told Amaterasu-no-Kami what had happened to him to be turned into a Evil Youkai. She's pissed and went back in time to punish the greed merchant for his misdeeds towards him.

She must of told him and he didn't mind this deal at all." Izuna said as she thinks about it as why else would a God be willing to drain Spiritual Powers from someone if they have a reason to do so making him to take about ⅝ of her Spiritual Powers.

"Only you, Izuna. Only you." Madara said as she's one of a kind and it's a good thing Izuna fully actually favored Ayakashi more than most Exorcists... With that sort of power after what she did to that five-day mark from another stupid Youkai...

'She could easily seal or kill even a high ranking youkai causing trouble! Her passive behavior with our antics was suddenly very relieving since it meant she would never turn that sort of power against us. Not without cause anyway.

She's happy to have our companionship, but she won't let them argue near her son and she ACTUALLY politely asked them to do it somewhere else.' Madara thinks to himself as he doens't mind being with her at all as chaos is everywhere with her.

Eri's True Mother, Izuna MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now