Pro-Hero License Exam part 1

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All Might sent a punch making air to be forced onto her, but she just didn't flinch as she had her eyes closed and when All Might showed up, she kicked him in the stomach before grabbed his right arm and throw him over her shoulders.

He slams into the ground and he gasped as he didn't expect that really before she slams him back over and lowers herself to have him hit the ground and his face got hit as well, too. Izuna then throws him and sent him flying into a building.

It collapsed onto him and she then waits until he had gotten himself out making him to have a strange look in his eyes, but she wasn't scared as she taunt him too much making him to have tick mark son his head.

She even blocked his punch making him to be sent flying and then she cuffed him fast making her to be the very winner as she has improved making All Might to be shocked as he'd never thought she would beat him not only twice, but thrice.

"WINNER! MIDORIYA IZUNA!" All Might snaps out of it and he's shocked as Izuna's just too powerful and strong making him to be proud as she's strong and could handle any Villains she faces making him to wish she hasn't grown up so fast.

Izuna's done with the dorms and many were staying in them as Izuna has to be careful of her dear daughter as she plans to teleport her home by the keyword 'home'. Hitoshi thinks it's a perfect way to get her home as Tenma's the son of Tomura Shigaraki.

Tenma has black hair with it fully having lower blue hair that blurs together with some medium green colored highlights and has heterochromia eyes (one dark green and one red) making her to be happy that he didn't even fully recognize her.

It's what has kept her safe from being raped again by that bastard. Hitoshi holds her to calm her fully down as both Chideya and All Might were worried about her. Nezu's shocked as Izuna had him using one of the four training grounds as a dormitory.

It's for all the classes with both shops and stories making him to wonder why use one of the eight training grounds fully as a whole dormitory for all of the courses as this doesn't make any sense as he doens't get what she's thinking.

'Why use a training ground for the students and teachers?' Nezu's confused as he looks at Izuna's plans making him to see what this means now making many to look after themselves fully with a roommate which's just easier for them all.

'But why make it a boy and a girl for straight couples?' Nezu's confused making him to then realized what she means as it's for couples with separate rooms for each other making him to wonder why she wanted that.

Aizawa's talking to Izuna as he needed to ask her something. Aizawa just finished and he has sent Izuna back home making her to nod and making her to use the teleport to make it there, but rather than leave as she had been ordered there and then, she stepped forward and hugged her teacher.

"I'm glad you weren't at Kamino Ward."

"What?" Aizawa asked, recoiling as if he'd been burned, but Izuna didn't let go.

"All for One had a ton of physical mutation quirks. If you'd showed up, he would have probably just targeted you first. He might have even expected you to be there... He had to have planned for it.

If any of the Quirks keeping him alive could be shut off at a glance, you would've been a bigger threat to him than All Might. I don't know if you could have shut down all of his Quirks at once, but he probably wouldn't know either.

That possibility would automatically make you the biggest threat to him in his condition. So, I'm glad you weren't there. Don't blame yourself for that. If anything, it probably threw off his whole plans." With that, she tightened her hug briefly before releasing her teacher and rushing out the door, giving the teacher his personal space back.

As the door clicked into place behind Izuna, Aizawa continued to stare at it as if he's watching his student walk down the hall with an x-ray vision Quirk. A ghosting sensation from the girl's final hug lingered across his skin as her parting words for the night echoed through the man's mind.

Aizawa hadn't understood why he wouldn't be allowed to enter a battle against a villain who operated on a system of quirks, especially with his own quirk at his disposal. He should have been able to recall the Nomu from the USJ and instantly known his answer.

It should have been obvious. Normally, it would have been. The problem's that he hadn't been thinking clearly, even if he would have denied it at the time. Of course he hadn't been; several students had been injured and one kidnapped on his watch.

He's emotionally compromised and was lying to himself about it. That in and of itself was another reason to be kept away from the battlefield. Still, amidst the turmoil of what's probably one of the most mentally and emotionally taxing nights of his life, Izuna had somehow cut through his own stress to see his problem and point out what now seems obvious.

Of course, now he could see that Izuna had a habit of putting her own issues on the backburner to help others. An unhealthy practice that, ironically, might have helped her survive when standing against all the Villains she'd faced so far.

After all, whenever Aizawa had crossed paths with Izuna during the Villain attacks, she'd been busy trying to help one person or another. Izuna's kindness can be seen as both a strength and a weakness making it to be a double edge sword.

Aizawa worried about just how many of the techniques Izuna utilized that helped her survive the Villains could be linked to being put through a lifetime of abuse as a 'Quirkless child'. He's aware that the statistics for people without Quirks were bleak.

The teacher's sure that the reports he'd assigned his student would give him an uncomfortable starting point for his answer, but clearly, not everything Izuna had learned was from negative experiences as with her many friends she ahs made.

Aizawa's good at examining situation, but that's out of the necessity, rather than pleasure. He could count the number of people who got as happy running analysis as Izuna on just one hand. And the first to come to mind wasn't even human.

"Nezu must have kept me back for the same reason Izuna just stated. Both of Izuna and Nezu thinking along the same lines. Now there's a scary thought."

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