Death to Overhaul part 1

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Benio's right as the moment that Izuna got it, she's in a full meeting since she had told Sir Nighteyes what they had countered and what happened without Mirio trying to calm her down as Hitoshi's stopping it making him to see Mirio's going to make her think she's overdoing it with the whole explanation.

"Mirio, she has every right to explain everything to make sure I got the picture. Don't interrupt anyone ever like you almost did. It would make me thing you're hiding something from me." Mirio nods as Sir Nighteyes calls the meeting.

 Izuna saw Uraraka, Kirishima and Tsuyu there. Sir Nighteyes was explaining when Tooru Taki burst in and she did a sign on the ground making everyone to see a Youkai named Kojori who has one eye and a beard with a kimino on.

It's making him to explain what Benio has said in her report about the child as Izuna has ordered her to making Izuna to give him her full attention as this is critical making her to listen to what the report is to know more about her daughter.

"Izuna, Benio has a report! Ahem! 'My lady, this report comes with terrible news. You have ordered me to follow Overhaul and the child which I have as the base of their operations is underground under a compound.

The Yakuza hideout belonging to the Eight Precepts of Death is a large resistance disguised as business office buildings. The upper floors and the outside of the hideout are decorated like a traditional Japanese residence controlled by the Yakuza.

The residence's completely gated off and requires someone to buzz in to gain entry. Past the gate's a large courtyard filled with trees that leads to the main entrance. The inside of the first floor for the residence's also decorated like a regular Japanese office.

However, there's a hidden passageway that can only be opened using a secret switch hidden beneath a vase. The passageway's a set of stairs that leads down into a secret underground labyrinth.

The underground labyrinth's massive, containing several passageways that stretch on for miles. It's purposely created with the intent of moving people in and out of the hideout in secret.

There are multiple routes that lead in and out of the hideout and several rooms that include an infirmary and a meeting room. The child's underground and Overhaul...' I'm not sure if I can say the rest without making myself sick, my lady." Madara went into his female form and took it from him as she finishes the rest.

"Let's see. 'Overhaul doesn't value humans, viewing people as pawns for their utilitarian value and being willing to experiment on them to accomplish his objectives. He carries this sentiment even towards the other members of the organization.

He has dedicating himself to since his very childhood, treating them as expendable sacrifices for his well-being and having no qualms in killing them off for the smallest mistakes. The masks worn by his closest subordinates also serve as a reminder of this mindset.

He doesn't view them as worthy of sharing the same air as his. Even Eri, the centerpiece of his operations, is not spared from this brutal way of thinking as he frequently shames and abuses her through threats and guilt trips.

Seemingly as a method to force subservience on her mind. Overhaul's fierce determination to revive the Yakuza and repay his debt. The only person Overhaul has ever shown concern for is the former boss of the Shie Hassaikai.

Who rescued him from the streets at a very young age and raised him as a yakuza. Overhaul, to this day, still feels deeply indebted to his boss for taking him in, being adamant in returning said debt by returning the yakuza to their glory days somehow.

Before all of the 'stupid' Heroes took over as he says. Ironically, this makes his ideals about family much more personal than any other members of the organization. As a young yakuza, Overhaul's extremely ruthless.

He would kill anyone who didn't show the Shie Hassaikai the proper respect, constantly getting into fights with rival gangs. Overhaul's boss, who's growing aware of the violent, immoral path his underling was following to uphold the name of the Shie Hassaikai.

He attempted to sway him towards a more honorable course, but to no avail; Overhaul became more and more convinced that illegal, questionable dealings were the only way the yakuza could ever restore their former honor.

This would lead the misanthropic Overhaul to develop an interest in the boss's 'grand-daughter', because he considered her abilities a golden opportunity for the Shie Hassaikai, believing that he could produce an out of her cells.

One that would give the yakuza enough power to take control of the black market. Overhaul, despite his loyalty and indebtedness to his superior, could not accept his boss's disagreement over the idea, attacked him.

This leaves him in a comatose state to work on his plan unimpeded. He took it harshly. Overhaul took over the Shie Hassaikai under the twisted assumption that everything he's doing was for the sake of his boss and the organization, intending to bring his boss out of his coma after he completed his plan.

Overhaul keeps bringing the child to an experimentation lab and asks her to no longer sully his hands before he cuts her arms and legs off for her blood and flesh to use in Quirk Destroying Drug Bullets before using his Quirk 'Overhaul' to undo the damage.

But I noticed she still has scars that're very permanent on her arms and legs. He has almost completed one bullet and once he has a lot of them, he'll sell them to get rid of Heroes and bring the yakuza back to the top.

Izuna, you need to get her out of there right now before Overhaul does even anymore of those bullets.' That's the end of Benio's report." Madara said feeling sick to her stomach as no child, may they be human or Ayakashi, should be through this sort of torturment at all before...





"Midoriya!" Aizawa shouts as everyone, but Hitoshi, Taki and Kojori's moved away from her as she's letting lose the Slaughter State making many to be scared of her as she looks very much emotionless before her eyes fully hazeled over making Hitoshi to hug her as she clangs onto his arms.

"We'll get her back."

"Back?" Mirio asked as Taki looks towards him and she explains.

"Izuna's reproductive systems was matured at age nine two weeks after her birthday. The father raped her and she went onto the run with her mother being killed by the father. Izuna's the child, is Eri's biological mother.

I believe a Quirk to add DNA was done to her making his wife's DNA to be fully added. Izuna, you need to remain calm before you hurt yourself and scare Rerina." Izuna takes a deep breath and breaths out as she clams her breathing.

It's making Slaughter State to go away which everyone calms down to as her reaction to this news is not a good thing whatsoever as Hitoshi's the only thing keeping her calm as Taki knows Izuna's going to do the 'March of the Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Ayakashi Parade' just to get her daughter back fully.

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