The Sealing part 3

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Izuna then changes clothing as she needs to do the Kagura Suzu dance making everyone to be ready for this as she needs to have them repeat after her as she's leading this as they all changed into them with the boys and All Might wearing male versions

Kagura Suzu, meant to resemble a branch with berries on it, the kagura suzu is used by shrine maidens to perform the sacred kagura dance and enhance it with the sound of the small bells. Attached to the bottom are a series of five long colorful ribbons meant to represents five directions and aspects of the soul.

Purple: North Direction. It corresponds to Aramitama, the rough or violent, aggressive aspect of our souls. White: West Direction. It corresponds to the Nigimitama, the kind, gentle, goodness of our souls.

Red: South Direction. It corresponds to the Sachimitama, one of the two aspects of the soul that gives blessings. Yellow: Solar Center. It corresponds to one's soul Green: East Direction. It corresponds to Kushimitama, one of the two aspects of the soul that gives blessings.

Izuna and everyone was successfully as the ayakashi's fully sealed and with the amount of people helping this time around, there'll be enough time as Izuna didn't noticed three others helped out making it to be even more stronger.

Izuna even gave them all Omamori and Omikuji making them to love it as Izuna hands them out making each one to have a different one as they either mean shiawase (happiness), kai-un (good luck), kotsu-anzen (traffic safety), en-musubi (love and marriage), kenko (health), katsumori (success and victory) and kanai anzen (family safety).

Omamori are colorful amulets you can get from various shrines that are imbued with the blessing of the kami of that shrine. They are cloth bags with a tie at the top and inside contains an incantation of the kami.

Depending on the nature of that kami the charm will provide a blessing that reflects that. Typically charms will provide small passive boons to the wearer, but only one may be active on you at any time.

Omikuji is a methodology of fortune telling that is done at shrines and temples for individuals who opt in. First you will pick a random stick from a box. Then you will find a drawer that corresponds with the stick you drew.

You take the fortune card within called an omikuji. Upon the card will be your fortune, and it's details, vague or specific. Trying to game the system will result in your fortune becoming a curse automatically.

大吉: great blessing, 中吉: middle blessing, 小吉: small blessing, 吉: blessing, 半吉: half-blessing, 末吉: future blessing, 末小吉: future small blessing, 凶): curse, 小凶: small curse, 半凶: half-curse, 末凶: future curse and 大凶: great curse.

Izuna's pleased the sealing was successful as she didn't want this ayakashi to be out making her to gain even more favor with the ayakashis making her to smile as she brought the land and more to have as a shrine to Amaterasu-no-Kami.

Izuna's be promoted by Amaterasu as "Head Priestess of Amaterasu-no-Kami" making her to have a benefit from this as she saw what it was in her Gamer Screen making her to smile as Amaterasu sure knows how to surprise her over and over again.

'Title "Head Priestess of Amaterasu-no-Kami" has been giving out to one Izuna Midoriya-Natsume-Zulu. As a Head Priestess to a Shrine, it's important to check up on the Shrine and on the your follow Shrine Maiden sisters in the Shrine's chores and make sure the storage is filled with seals.

Head Priestess of Amaterasu-no-Kami (Perk): As the Head Priestess, you can fully control Amaterasu flames, are fully in charge of the shrine towards the deity herself: Amaterasu-no-Kami and ask her for help in chants towards her or call her small familiar down to deliver a message to her and the familiar will hop to either 'Yes' or 'No' for questions really. As a upgrade, you can hear her voice inside of your head.

Basic Shuvani (Level 1): Gets +500 to base HP per level, +100 to Defense and Attack and SP stat per level.

Shuvani has leveled up by 99 times!

Master Shuvani (Level 100): Gets +49,500 to base HP, +9,900 to Defense and Attack and SP stat.'

Izuna's never let Amaterasu down making her to wonder as Madara and Reiko did have a intimate relationship, but he never spoke up of which one it was. Friends? Lovers? Madara blushes as he covers his eyes at that question.

"Seriously, Izuna?" She chuckles as she rubs Madara's head making him to be hating to have mood swings and not being able to eat his favorite food which she fixed up for him making him to be happy again as he missed them as he's actually passed that stage.

The main messages from Drifting Home are that eventually you have to let go of the past in order to embrace the future; that everything changes; and that even through heartache and struggle, the most powerful friendships will find a way to survive.

Izuna will always remember that one as she can see Bakugou is changing thanks to Kirishima making her to fully let go of the past as Hitoshi was beside her making him to know she's letting go of the past with Bakugou who doesn't want to.

He wants to apologies to her, but she keeps leaving before he can making him to send it as a letter making her to get it as she reads it after tea with her cousin as he'll get lessons for the clan and he'll still be living with the Fujiwara Family.

"Until you wish to move out of their house as you have a house here you can use for your own family." He smiles as that means a lot to him making him to thank her before he left as she looks down to the letter that Bakugou has sent her.

(AN: Imagine it as a letter, but she was homeschooled and hasn't seen him since she got raped, so those part's are not there in the letter)

Izuna had tears in her eyes as Bakugou has apologies to her for everything he has done to her making her to not be sure of what to do as this is out of character of Bakugou unless Kirishima got him to do this to get it off his chest.

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