U.S.J Attack

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Izuna got Hitoshi close to where he would be physically making him to be happy as he managed to learn how to use Aizawa's cloth techniques making him to be impressed and got Aizawa as a mentor for his Hero work.

IT's making him to keep Izuna as his teacher still as Aizawa makes sure he can do the moves like he can. Izuna fixes his schedule around this and had Aizawa to add in his time to train him as Hitoshi can handle this new change which made him happy.

Izuna's curious about training today, but she didn't expect to sense danger. She's quick and she's actually having Madara check it out and if danger... Kill them. Madara's happy with the order as Izuna stalls the bus.

It's making Aizawa to see the look on her face as she glares at him if he tries to stop her before an explosion as they all heard it coming from in front of them as it's not normal to have explosions to happen in front of them even from a distance.

"You knew?!" Hitoshi asked as everyone looks towards her shocked that Izuna had known from the beginning.

"Sensed danger and I sent Madara to check it out. If dangerous, kill it/them. If there's explosion, danger and to leave it to him since the very attacker(s) can't see him." Izuna said as the driver drives forward slow to give more time until they got to the building.

Madara's having fun as these humans can't see him and they can't see him as he's having fun with this making him to watch out for the decaying one as he doesn't want to be killed thank you very much as that human's trouble.

The purple guy's weird as shit and was more fun to destroy as it regenerates from the wounds as long as he doesn't destroy the head or the heart making him to wonder if Izuna would allow him to keep it as a chew toy.

They arrived and other Pro-Heroes came as well with three students as the place looks like a massacre had happened with lots of bodies and blood being all over the place. Izuna's use to it and just walks down the stairs making Aizawa to try and stop her.

"MADARA! HAD SOME FUN?" Izuna shouts out making Aizawa to stop and flinch back as Izuna had Madara show himself by the seal making everyone, but Class 1-A to be very shocked as Madara grins at Izuna with blood around his mouth.

"A lot more fun! Can we keep purple guy?!" Izuna saw who he means.

"Not if he's a modified human corps with stolen Quirks. The souls from within are begging to be release from it's prison." Izuna said as she's right in front of it and slams a seal onto the head making a bright glow before the body crumbles away.

"Aww~" Madara wanted to keep the guy.

"Ask Creati to make you a giant bone as a chew toy and one for your fake form." Madara's quick and he begged with puppy-eyes making her to laugh as she had it done making Madara to give her a lick before he starts playing with his new chew toy.

"BITCH! THAT'S OUR ALL MIGHT KILLER!" She turns to them with a calm look in her eyes making Madara to freak. Izuna may have recognized the leader as the second raper and the father of her child, but she's noting to be teaching him a lesson on trying to kill her sensei.

"OH SHIT! HIT THE DECK!" Madara said as everyone ducks making them to see a crater that's underneath Izuna making them to freak as that's not a good thing at all.

"Kill? All Might? I don't think so, buster." Izuna's hair's now fully floating in the air making it to look like nine tails of a Kyuubi making Madara to know what kind of Ayakashi she's going to be if she chose to become one.

"I'm going to be your worse nightmare and no one can stop me since you treated to kill my own mentor. I'm going to punish you until you have start calling me mommy." Izuna said before she's gone and all remaining Villains were down for the count.

"Shit!" Izuna had the decaying guy on her lap as metal pounding into flesh's heard somewhere making the weird guy shouting 'Young Master' before heading there and then was sent flying into the water making many to heard cries.


Izuna shows up with a crying leader making him to hide his face in her neck as he cries making her to turn to the weird guy and walks away with him making the guy to attack and got his young master back before leaving.

"What did you use on him?" She showed a metal short shovel meant to clean the fire places out with making many to shiver.

"I save it for Villains more. They need a good smacking and this is the only option since many never had a mommy." No one can stop nor argue against her. The man left with his 'young master' and the remaining villains were dealt with and the day continues.

Aizawa wonders how she sensed danger, but Izuna had to warn All Might that she thinks there's more than one Quirk inside of One For All as the Stockpile Quirk could have taken energy from a permanent Copy Quirk to copy the Quirks of the previous users plus a Soul Trapping Quirk.

"Why else would Nana Shimura say what she said to you about seeing you in the Quirk?" All Might believes her as Izuna promises to ask her once she has met the woman herself.

"Thank you a lot, young Midoriya." Izuna saw a egg and she took care of it making a Tatsumi to hatch from it soon afterwards making her a mother to the little youkai. Tatsumi Youkais do not have a definite form when they are still young.

They take upon the same form as the first thing they see, believing that person/youkai/animal is its mother. Since Izuna was the first living thing "Tama" saw, it took on the form of a human. The only defining feature all young Tatsumi Youkai have are the horns.

Izuna looks after them greatly as Madara calls him "Tama" from "Tamago" for he came from an egg making Izuna to look after him as she built him a super strong nest to sleep in with comfort as well, too making him to be in a huge vase for his nest.

The neck is long and it's open is enough to fit six flower bouquets in it making him to be having enough room to move around in as Izuna's spoiling him a bit with this nest she has made for him as it's perfect for him to live in until his adulthood.

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