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Years went by, but only three stand out as their Quirks allowed it, but one removed it to become something else fully. An Hyakki Yako Ayakashi with their 五十万の悪魔の夜行進 a.k.a Go Jū Man No Akuma No Yoru Kōshin a.k.a Night Parade of the Five hundred Thousand Demons.

They became a Kitsune-Nurarihyon hybrid Ayakashi, but the problem is they're a female with the black hair being replace with blue and she has blue markings on her body making her to be divine as her age is unknown.

She stopped aging at sixty-eight somehow and when she helped a ayakashi out, they de-aged her making her to be physically twenty-six again making her to look like a hot mama as her breast didn't get any bigger.

Her hips and waist shrunken making her to look amazing in her rare golden chrysanthemums and white spiritual light kimono that she's wearing with her hair up by fancy hairpins making her to look beautiful.

The only thing she got from the Nurarihyon-part is the hair style and the long hair fully, but no longadded head making her to be pleased as her husband somehow got Mermaid Blood in him making him immortal.

He stays with her since he's the same physical age as her making him to live forever with her making her to have a new stats to change to Ayakashi ones making her to have new abilities, but still have the ability to do Exorcist, Shaman and Miko a.k.a Priestess stuff.

'Summer Fallwood, Sakura Heartdream, Dean Tasumi, Fey Winterfell, Renee Kikaku, Luna and Caleb Chikaku, Kelly Kalani, Taiyou, Matoba, Tooru, Tanuma, Sunita, Natori, Shindo and his two wives, All Might and his wife, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu...

I miss you guys. Well... Shindo and his two wives were still here thanks to that Ayakashi and All Might is now a Ayakashi thanks to his wife making me to chuckle at the drama from Shindo.' She thinks as she has her family safe.

She even watches over her many descendances from her daughter and son making her to know thanks to their Quirks, their immortal and they have their spouses being Ayakashis to keep them with them forever which they don't mind.

'Why did they pick ones abused and wants to be with them forever? Guess I'll never know.' The Hyakky Yako Ayakashi female sighs as she looks up to the moon and it's a full moon making her to wonder how her friends are doing in their afterlife.

"Izuna! Izuna! We got sixteen guest that wish to see you! They look to be new Ayakashis!" Her husband shouts out to her as All Might, his wife, Shindo and his two wives are also there as well, too.

"Coming!" She got a surprised as it's her friends making them to have a choice and choice to be with her making her to have tears and she hugs them all with her tails wrapped around to gives the others a hug as well, too to get them in the hug.

"I missed you guys!" Izuna has her friends back and now she can have fun with them all once again.

Eri's True Mother, Izuna MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now