Final Exams part 1

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Izuna knows Todoroki has learned a lot and had a lot of fun making him to show it off during training to show what he has learned daily since he had stayed with Izuna making Aizawa to be pleased and had him working on physical training to handle it better.

Izuna didn't know that both Yaoyorozu and Todoroki can see the Ayakashis making her to check and got them under her training fast as her two new students. It's making them to have four Shikis under their control with the level being at twenty.

It's making Izuki to be happy as Hitoshi has three more Shikis. Izuki's shocked when Madara found out that the little fox Ayakashi wants to be her seventh Shiki for some protecting. Heck! Even Kirinoha wants to be a Shiki!

Izuna sighs as she allows them to keep their names and will have them help out as much as she can making her to have eight Shikis now. In human form, he appears as a youthful boy with shoulder length, brown-blonde hair and has fox ears.

He wears a dull-brown kimono. Regular humans can only see him as a fox while Youkai and those able to see Youkai sees him as the human form. However, after consuming a special medicine, he transforms into a human.

Kirinoha has green unkempt hair and wears filthy clothing like he's a homeless human kid. Izuna gave him clean versions of his clothing and gave him a bath making him to have well kempt hair which makes him have praises by other Ayakashis.

The little fox was the same with the name Kurama since he doesn't have one. Izuna noticed how All Might's talking to a female Ayakashi making her to notice the more they talk, the more he's healed as he looks more like his hero form.

"And all without you noticing it." He did notice it when she points it out to him after school that same day.

"Wha?! I look good!" She laughs as he doesn't hate her at all for it. She told her class that they are up against the teachers making them to groan and think of a plan as it's a team up one making it to be hard since they have twenty classmates.

"Not true. Our class has gotten a couple of transfers into the class and you didn't notice them at all." Izuna said as she's shocked her four exorcist friends and two friends joined in after the Sports Fest Festival and she didn't even noticed it at all.

Matoba Clan heiress, Matoba Sakura has the same hair color as her father, Lord Seiji Matoba and she's more kind to them and she's happy to be friends with Izuna. Her eyes are like her mother's which's silver and she has only three and staying there.

She also has the Danger Sensitive Quirk making her to sense danger and which level it is for both the Villains and the Ayakashis making her to be a great help and her father abused it making her to run away and stay with Izuna who did the clan protection ritual on her.

Taiyou Taiko's the heiress to the Taiyou Clan and she has the very personality like she's a sun shining down on everyone. It's making Mineta to smile and behaved around her since she joined the school shocking Izuna the first time she saw it.

It's making Izuna to use her to keep his pervertedness down which she doesn't mind as long as he doesn't touch her. Taiko has the Heliokinesis/Solakinesis Quirk even though both mean 'Sun Control', she has picked both.

"They sounded awesome and I want to fully confuse people with it." Izuna just laughed when she was told this when she first met her really.

"Taiko's the only one to keep lots of perverts down to just looking and not touching. She'll just probably marry him in the future since he's her type of guy." Izuna said shocking everyone as Taiko giggles at him. She has sun kissed blond hair and blue eyes.

Her bosom's three hundred and fifty-one inches. Her waist's fifty-nine and hips are ninety-three. Izuna wonders how Taiko can even handle Mineta and she will leave it be for now as her parents might not allow it cause of his personality.

Taiko might just run away and marry him anyway making Izuna to let Taiko to know about it. Tooru Taki's a descendant of a onmyai and has a short dusty blond hair with light brown eyes and a gentle expression on her face.

It's making Izuna to be happy to have her as it seems she has a Quirk called Ayakashi Spiritual Site. It just came in very late and now she can see Ayakashi and has more spiritual powers inside of her thanks to this.

She's below Izuna by twenty levels making her to be happy for her friend as Tooru and Taki get a long well with each other. Kaname Tanuma has short black hair, black eyes and a usually catatonic expression.

He's very reserved and a loner at the beginning, but later warms up to Izuna and her friends. He also has a Quirk that allows him to sense spirits when he just can on his own without it and it cause him to see the Ayakashis more.

Juanita Sunita's the second grand-daughter of Hakozaki and she took all of his research as his heiress and his two servants: Light Blue Dragon and Kanegumo. She left the family as she's now a resident at the Natsume Clan Household.

It's making Izuna to look after her like a little sister that she always wanted as she has the Quirk that's called Draconiankinesis making her to be careful and respectful toward many Dragon Ayakashis that she fully meets.

Izuna's pleased that she wants to be respectful to them more than control them unless they're about to attack humans, then she's very disrespectful towards them. Sunita also has more Shikis as she also has a Tatsumi, but six making her to raise them.

Aizawa sighs as he wonders how he had handle the twenty children he had before and then he got six more of them. Izuna can handle it alone and Madara will be there with her it seems as she looks strange and he wonders what's with her family.

Izuna's up against All Might alone making her's to be last as she needs to check on her stats since she hardly does to keep it a secret from those who don't know about it. Madara sighs as Izuna can't keep doing that.

Izuna sighs as she truly needs just something new to learn making her to think as she knows Jujitsu's the use of the gun. She sighs and raises Jujitsu by only ten levels to be safe as she doesn't want to hurt anyone yet and wants to get use to her new levels first.

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