Pro-Hero License Exam part 2

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Izuna's home and was hugged by her son as he hugs her legs making her to chuckle before picking him up to give him a hug as she knows she's going to be very busy and can't spend time with him soon making her to hate that really fully.

"Hey, my little man. Have you been behaving for everyone?"

"Yes, mama! Madara even taught me how to sense Spiritual Reiatsu!" Izuna's happy as she did want to teach him, but didn't know how to do it making her to be happy that Madara did it for her. Hitoshi's writing plans down with her friends to get her daughter back the best that they can.

"We can send those two in and have them be her Ayakashi bodyguards. She can see them, but they can't do anything to the boss, but the members they can making him to not notice a thing about it." Taiko said making them to agree to it.

Izuna knows what they're up to and isn't going to stop it, but did warn them that Fatgum can see the Ayakashis and to warn him about it since he's helping the Pro-Hero who's planning to take the man down making them to agree and dialed him up.

It's time to do the exam making Bakugou to wonder what's going on as Izuna's not acting like herself making her to sigh and explain her daughter's found and plans are in place to get her back legally making Aizawa to nod as this is major.

Tenma wanted to watch had promises to be on his best behavior making Aizawa to pick him up which got Ms. Jokes to back off cause of this making Aizawa to babysit him for Izuna if he can have her to back off from asking him to marry her.

"No problem. Madara, give a hand."

"Got it, Izuna." Madara said as Tenma's holding onto him.

"Ready, everyone?!" Iida asked as this is going to be major as they all cheered making Izuna to wonder how this is going to be as she noticed Shindo Yu's walking up to Bakugou when Riou shows up and hisses at him from Bakugou's shoulder making Bakugou to to look at to him.

"Hey, Deku! You're second cat's hissing at this guy!" Izuna saw and gasp as she grabs his right arm and she's quick to channel her Spiritual Reiatsu into his arm and the Ayakashi mark shows itself making her to place a paper seal on the arm and demeaned he never remove it.

"Don't even think of removing this! You do... That mark will kill you." Izuna said seriously making Shindo to flinch and nods as this is going to be a bad thing if he disobeys her. Riou likes his sealed cat form and asked if he can use it to scout around in making Izuna to not mind it.

Izuna saw the first task was to throw three balls at three wreak spots making her to have Riou as Tenma's secondary Ayakashi bodyguard making him to have fun as Tenma's a bundle of energy and fun to watch over making Madara to agree there making Aizawa to sigh.

Izuna and Hitoshi's going nuts as they reflect the balls back making them to have three each and allowed the others to do the same making all of class 1-A to pass within ten seconds of each other making everyone to be shocked at this as no one has ever done this before and now it happened in front of them all.

'That's my kids.' Aizawa thinks as Ms. Jokes' in shocked as well as Shindo making him to wonder what they're like when NOT just fully BATTING the balls back at the throwers as Bakugou liked that making Izuna to chuckle as Bakugou would have said that easily.

Hitoshi can't wait for the second part as they all wait and play some games making both him and Izuna to meditate making them to be ready as it helps to clear the mind and to remove negative emotions in their minds which Hitoshi likes.

Nezu's going to add it in to help his future and current students for their future as Heroes making Izuna to call her friend who can teach it to them making Nezu to enjoy this as he allows him to teach them however he wants making it to be fun for him.

The second task's about to start soon after ten more minutes making Shindo to make sure that the paper seal wasn't removed at all making Izuna to get a better look at this fast and then removed it after the exam's over.

"S-Sure... Um..."

"The Ayakashi's earth based and she seems to like your Quirk a lot." Izuna said as she smiles at something behind him and he sees nothing meaning she can see her making her to laugh at what she said as he feels arms wrapped around his mid-section.

"Is... She in... In love with me?" A "Eik!" was heard and that answers his own question making Izuna to chuckle as the Ayakashi like him. The second task starts making many to move out as Izuna gave orders making many to follow it as class 1-B joins in fast.

"May we be rivals... Midoriya knows what she's doing like she has done this before." Monoma said in the class's defense making Midoriya to just nod as she gave them orders as well to use their Quirks at it for making them to nod and head out making many to look shocked at her.

'Heh! They ain't wrong there. Izuna cares a lot and won't force people into the position that doesn't suit them at all.' Madara thinks as she watches the task going on making Tenma to cheer class 1-A and 1-B on making Aizawa to hide his smile at this.

Izuna noticed after twenty minutes they had siced Gang Orca onto them with his sidekicks to act as the Villain and their minions making her to groan and looks unimpressed as she slams a single punch to Gang Orca's stomach.

He went flying out of the exam area making his sidekicks to freak as she walks away and let the others have fun while half of them find the 'civilians' making them to smirk as the sidekicks shiver and it's not something anyone would wished onto their worse enemy.

Aizawa's pleased as Tenma cheers her on making many to wonder how she had punched him out of the area so fast like that. It's making them to be scared of her as Shindo shivers, but he wasn't scared of her. The female youkai though...

She's scared and hugs him a bit more tightly. The exam's over as both class 1-A and 1-B's over making Aizawa to be pleased and happy as everyone seems to be happy with their licenses. Shindo hands over his arm to Izuna to remove the mark.

Izuna gently removes the seal and had the Ayakashi show herself on the symbol on the ground making Shindo to blush. She had earth colored hair and her eyes were crystal turquois making her skin to be sandy-brown.

Her clothing to be that of a tasteful brown kimono dress with it hanging off both of her shoulders and she has no wooden sandals on her feet. Shindo doesn't know what to say to her as she speaks up

"S-Sorry for marking you. I-I bumped into you by accident and the mark was there. So... I stayed with you until I knew how to remove it since I didn't want you to die." Shindo was shocked as he accidentally called her cute making her to blush.

"Well, one way's to get married. The other's teaching him how to become a Exorcist and have you as a Shiki to him solely." Izuna said playfully making both to blush at the marriage one and her shivering at the second one.

"Marriage since I don't think I'll be a good Shiki." She said making Shindo to blush as his friend, Tatami Nakagame's getting jealous of the Ayakashi making her to blush at her fully making Shindo to have two wives than one.

"Good luck with your new life now, Shindo-kun!" Izuna shouts as she finished the marriage between the three fast with rings making all three to be blushing as Shindo shivers before seeing he has both on either side of him making him to sigh.

"Come on, girls. Let's head back. *Sighs* How am I going to get permission to have both of you in my bed to make it fair?" Izuna chuckles as Shindo's going to be having a hard time with both of them making Bakugou to laugh at him.

"That's priceless, Deku!" Bakugou said as Tenma went into her arms and Hitoshi's with her as Madara got them home and got Tenma tucked into bed before they all went to bed fully themselves.

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