Sports Fest Festival

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Izuna and Hitoshi are ready for the Sports Fest Festival as Izuna made sure they had new moves and Hitoshi has to be impressed with her as he never though she could get him that far which has her blushing as Hitoshi has learned how to be at her level last month.

Hitoshi also has only two Shikis right now; a cat and a owl making Izuna to be impressed as he did it by being respectful to them and she fully doesn't mind that they join her friends for drinks. Her Exorcist friends join in with their own Shikis.

It's making Hitoshi to be a part of it as well, too which he found very interesting since Izuna only drinks if angry about something. Izuna wonders if her daughter's eating alright as she can feel it deep inside that her daughter's getting hurt.

She knows once she sees her, she's teleporting her away to her true home as fully kidnapping a child's not right. Izuna fully worries as her beloved daughter's with strangers and not with fully someone she can trust.

During that time, Hitoshi had managed to play his cards right and is now dating Izuna making her to be happy as Hitoshi's getting along with her son and Tama as he keeps calling him 'Papa' which makes Hitoshi to blush as Izuna thinks it's cute making him to playfully glare at her as Izuna doesn't fear him.

"On the day the earth began, under the tree of life.
We listened together to the sound of distant whale song.
Everything we lost, and everything we loved.
I embrace with these arms, but where do I wander now?

The amber star above holds its secrets.
This undying, brilliant spirit, without you but a vengeful angel.
Please, do not ravage these wings, I was born to know these feelings.
It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.

Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
In one hundred million and two thousand more, I will still love you.
On that day, through my torment I began to hear the music.

Before this world ends, and before our lives are exhausted,
I want to cast off this latent grief, and embrace your scent.

If you listen, you can hear the memories of the sea,
And drink of the despair of the lustrous moon.
Reborn endlessly in the light eternal, your dreams will never sully.
You were born to carry these wishes.

It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.
Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
In one hundred million and two thousand more, I will still love you.
On that day, through my torment I began to hear the music.

You grow up once again, again and again, going off far away.
In anguish I watch over you, unable to rest...
Just to sing your name...

It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.
Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
In one hundred million and two thousand more, I will still love you. On that day...
It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.

Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
Even in one hundred million and two thousand years, I will still love you.
On that day, through my torment I began to hear the music." Izuna sanged as Hitoshi knows it's for him making him to blush as it's on the speakers.

It's making Izuna to threaten to castrate Present Mic for that making him to squeal like a little girl in fear and begs for mercy. Everyone's shocked as they never seen this before as Hitoshi's pleased with this.

Izuna and Hitoshi worked together to win the first obstacle and with both Mei Hatsume and Fumikage, they won the second obstacle of the tournament before the one-on-one matches. Hitoshi saw he's up against Bakugou making him to shiver a bit.

Hitoshi used his mastered fighting style to send him out of the ring once it's his turn as Izuna went up against Iida making her to have a tough match, but she won as she trips him and he bounced out on his bum.

Hatsume went up against Uraraka and she refused her gadgets making Mei to have a hard time fully fighting more than Izuna did and Uraraka won against Hatsume making her to pout as she wanted to show case her babies which were her gadgets.

Bakugou's shocked that he lose to Hitoshi that fast as he's surprised that Hitoshi's that strong as Kaminari lose, Kirishima won, Todoroki won, Tokoyami won and Yaoyorozu won as the rest were double knock-outs.  Izuna defeated Todoroki making him to angrily think his father set her up.

"Ah? Why would I want anything to do with that wife and child abuser? He's an ass! Not to even mention I only met the bastard once. I don't even know what he looks like without his costume on." Izuna said as she's not liking this.

It's making poor Todoroki to be wide-eyed as he had tears going down his face as here's finally someone who doens't see Endeavor as a real Hero, but it seems she doens't see his fire as Endeavor's making her to shout it out at him during the fight.

"Need a place to run away to, the doors to my retainers are open anytime." Izuna said as he left the arena making Endeavor to look shocked she knew about that as he shivers and left since no one saw him there yet.

Hitoshi has won against Kaminari, Uraraka won against Kirishima and Tokoyami won against Yaoyorozu making Izuna to see Tokoyami as her opponent making her to nod as she used a lot of light to defeat Dark Shadow and then pin him down making him to lose.

Hitoshi lost to Uraraka as she's different and Izuna said he did a good job which Aizawa said as well from behind before Hitoshi accidentally hugs Aizawa and called him 'Dadzawa' making Izuna to hold her laughter in as Aizawa's blushing up a storm right now.

Present Mic got a picture of the site making him to threaten to kill him for that. Izuna and Uraraka's a cat fight, but Izuna has won making her to win and she has a good idea Uraraka should go to and she called him up and he agrees since that's his second job.

Izuna won against Hitoshi making Izuna to be careful as Hitoshi's still learning from her making her to be impressed and All Might's pleased as Gran Torino called him to let him know that Izuna's with him. Hitoshi's with Aizawa-sensei to learn Underground Hero stuff.

Izuna gave him a kiss in front of everyone making them to wolf whistle and clap for them as Hitoshi dips her making her to approve since he's getting a bit more demeaning and becoming more of a man the longer he's with her.

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