Summer Camp part 1

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Izuna went to the expo on I-Island and she took Hitoshi with her as a date making them to fight off the Villains and they saved the island making them to get credits for it and then it's time for summer camp.

Izuna's surprised her friends have students as well, too making her to smile as she's fully happy for them as they got to that point thanks to her as she helped them. Summer Fallwood, the one who has Telekinesis Quirk, was with Sakura Heartdream.

Dean Tasumi, the one who has Pyrokinesis a.k.a can control fire, was with Fey Winterfell. Renee Kikaku, who has a teleporting Quirk, is with Luna and Caleb Chikaku, who has a density manipulation a.k.a Picnokinesis Quirk, with Kelly Kalani.

It's making her to be happy as they're busy and are still training as well, too (AN: more of her exorcist friends as an exorcist) as Izuna saw the Wild, Wild Pussycats and kept both Hitoshi and herself hidden.

She's quick with Madara who got them to camp early making Aizawa to not notice until it's too late making them all shocked as Izuna just shrugs making them to shout at her for not helping them out in the forest.

"I didn't even get into the forest. I used my ice to follow them." Todoroki said as he had pulled Yaoyorozu with him making Izuna to praise him as he did a great job making many to see a rainbow from the ice making it to be a site to behold before she saw a male kid.

"May I ask who the little one is, please?" He blushes as he looks away from her making Mandalay to smile at the site.

"This is Izumi Kota." Izuna gently steps forwards and crouches down to be eye level with him.

"Your the same age as Rerina. I haven't seen her since she's a newborn baby, but I know you two would be great friends in the future. I'll be able to recuse her once I have my Hero License. I have to go through proper channels to get her back." Kota saw a motherly look in her eyes.

"You're a..." Izuna has a motherly look still, but she looks tired with her eyes half-closed.

"Yes. Tenma's only sixteen-months younger than Rerina is." Kota's shocked and he didn't know what to say before he just hugged her making her to be surprised, but she hugs him back and picks him up as he leans onto her right shoulder.

Everyone's confused as it fully seems Izuna's a mother, but she doesn't look nor act as one making this to be confusing for them all before Hitoshi sighs as this is going to be a long day. Izuna has the food ready in time for them to eat.

It's around a camp fire with marshmallows and hotdogs making many to enjoy themselves until they heard howls making Kota to be scared if Izuna didn't pick him up and place him on her lap. She holds him as she knows who that is.

It's making her to play the song as many fully seem to be listening in and wonders what's the song as it's in a different language making them to not be able to understand it at all as Taiyou, Matoba, Tooru, Tanuma and Sunita plays the instruments.

"Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Han vill men kan inte sova
(He wants to, but cannot sleep)
Hungern river i hans varga buk
(The hunger tears his wolven stomach)
Och det är kallt i hans stova
(And it's cold in his burrow)

Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)

Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Ylar av hunger o klagar
(Howling out of hunger and moaning)
Men jag ska ge'n en grisa svans
(But I will give him a pig tail)
Sånt passar i varga magar
(Which suits a wolven stomach)

Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)

Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Han vill men kan inte sova
(He wants to, but cannot sleep)
Hungern river i hans varga buk
(The hunger tears his wolven stomach)

Och det är kallt i hans stova
(And it's cold in his burrow)
Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)

Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Ylar av hunger o klagar
(Howling out of hunger and moaning)
Men jag ska ge'n en grisa svans
(But I will give him a pig tail)
Sånt passar i varga magar
(Which suits a wolven stomach)

Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)" Izuna sanged making the howls to be heard during sorting parts of the song making Kota to fall asleep making him to look cozy in her arms. Everyone's shocked, but they left it be as they all went to sleep that night dreaming of the song Izuna sanged.

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