Final Exams part 2

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Izuna has Madara with her as she plans to win this as All Might asked for it to be private, but Nezu wouldn't allow it as everyone will see the match and then will be turned off making many of her Quirk wielding classmates to wonder about her.

The spiritual aware ones including Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Hitoshi knows what she's capable of. All Might's quick to attack since it's time for her to fight him, but a barrier blocked him as she looks up at him with her eyes different.

Izuna's quick to slam him into the ground with her Telekinesis making him to be then thrown through four buildings as she holds Madara in her arms making her to look towards All Might's spot before he shows up and destroyed her barrier.

Izuna looks up and placed Madara onto her head before she punched him in the stomach and then a back flip snap kick to chin making him to flip and land on a large broken piece of cement making him to cough up saliva out of his mouth.

All Might saw Izuna's eyes and he fully knows something's wrong as Madara shakes his head at him before as he doesn't want to know what's going on. Izuna slams a powerful kick into his old wound spot making him to see she's pissed cause she was told about something.

With the others...

"I shouldn't have told her about her." Everyone else's confused to what Sunita means expect Hitoshi who flinches.

"You found her?!" Hitoshi asked shocked as Sunita nods making her to look back to Izuna and shivers as she doesn't like seeing her like this.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"She's a Clan Heiress and has retainers of her grandmother's Clan, the Natsume Clan. She's also a Clan Heiress to the Zulu Clan. That's all you're getting out of us." Sunita said making her to feel sorry for Izuna as this is not a good thing for her.

'They better not even think about removing her from the school cause of this.' Hitoshi thinks as this is bad. All Might managed to throw her through fifty buildings before he slams a punch to her stomach, but she dodged it fast.

It's making her to rush at him and grab All Might's arm as she spins making him to get dizzy as a tornado showed up. She let's go and All Might's sent flying into the sky and then she did an ax kick to his upper back making him to hit the floor hard.

It's making him to be having a hard time getting back up from that as Hitoshi's freaking out as this doesn't look good for All Might. Izuna grabs his hair and throws him to the gate as she runs to him and did a snap kick to the chin.

Then she did fast punches and kicks making him to block each one before he saw her vanish and then a kick to the lower back from behind. All Might's losing to his student and he knows she's not using her Quirks expect for her Telekinesis Quirk.

She pulls out a gun and a blue glow before All Might's hit in his old injury spot making him to fully pass out and Izuna cuffs him making her to winner. Nezu turns it off and that in four days, they'll know the results.

It's making them to agree and left making the ones in the known to looked worried. Izuna snaps out of it and she got All Might to Recovery Girl for medical help as she lost it big time and took it all out of her mentor which's the wrong chose to do.

Izuna didn't see All Might after that as she needs time alone. She's outrageous that her dear daughter's being abused and tormented by that bastard, upset that she can't save her without a license and heart broken cause...

"She doesn't even know who I am or her own two inheritances." Hitoshi hugs her as she leans into his chest making her to cry as her many friends were there for her as she shouldn't be doing this alone and suffer from it at all.

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