Summer Camp part 2

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Izuna wonders how her daughter and Kota would have been friends like both her and Bakugou were before as she actually misses those times sometime, but she knows it's best to leave them in the past as he's not the same anymore as he has changed too much.

It's making her to miss her daughter so much that it hurts. Now that she knows where she is, she needs to have Sir Nighteyes to help her out as this is critical for her to get her back as he's in charge of that case making her to hope he'll be allowing her to join.

'And if he refuses, guess I'm going Vigilante then.' Izuna said as it's been a while since she last done some and figures it'll be alright as she needs to get her daughter back. Izuna works hard to learn new moves and skills.

The more she has, the more she can get her daughter back, the better. Tenma's slowly learning to get use to his Quirk once he fully got it out and she can't have anyone else know about him or else she'll lose him, heiress to two clans or not, she's not losing her children.

Izuna worries as her poor daughter must of been through hell. Aizawa noticed her looks and was confused to them, but Hitoshi moves over and pulls her to his chest where she cries and Aizawa leaves them be.

Class 1-B shows up and Izuna's being bitchy to Monoma cause of her period making Bakugou to snicker at him. Aizawa pulls her away and sent her at some trees making her to let lose as she made the camp site bigger cause of it.

It's making him to shiver with Bakugou as Monoma wet himself and passed out which Bakugou laughs at making Itsuka to sigh and drag him. Izuna noticed new Ayakashis and managed to have Madara talk to them for her.

It's making them to be laughing one moment at him being a Shiki before they heard his very 'mistress's request making them to agree as this seems to be fun. Kota can see them and Izuna fully calms him as they won't hurt him.

They're child sized ones play with him making him to have fun with his new friends while their parents deal with unwelcome guest as Izuna's getting better at scrying. Aizawa noticed some movement and waits by a tree.

Aizawa then had asked if Izuna set them up as 'guards' around the camp site and taps were answered back making him to nod and left them be which Izuna saw as Aizawa's double checking her wild security guards.

Everyone's getting stronger and when it's time for the Courage Challenge, those who can't do it's pulled away by Aizawa making everyone to fully ignore them as Monoma's the same. Izuna noticed Kota's with her making her to smile as he doesn't have to do this.

"You can go to your friends. You don't have to do this if you don't want to." He nods and heads back to his cave were his friends are waiting for him. Izuna has a Shinigami paper to be attached to his back.

It's making it easier to keep an eye on him as Madara's with Izuna no matter what. They went in and they all heard fights making Izuna to use that talking Origami trick from A Flying Witch to explain she has guards dealing with unwelcome guest and to ignore it.

Everyone's relieved and kept going as Izuna sensed danger and she's quick to get to Kota and his many Ayakashi friends making her to see  a villain making her to punch him and have Madara deal with the idiot.

It's making him to have a lot of fun while she gets the kids out of there. Kota's happy as Aizawa kept an eye on him as his friends help guard and makes noises if trouble's near by which works. Izuna had then went back to her spot and she kept going.

It's making them to not know about this as Hitoshi had figured it out. It took the L.O.V just three whole damn weeks trying to get in to kidnap Bakugou making Madara to stay in a female state cause of the Villain raping him in that state of his female form.

Izuna had helped him out with since he's changing only the sex parts as he can't remove the sperm without killing the child within him making this to be very embarrassed as he'll have to get use to raising a child of his own now.

"You so owe me big time for this, Izuna." Madara said as Izuna fully chuckles at him.

"Hah ha. Gome gome, sensei. But think of it this way." Madara looks to her.

"You won't be the only one of your kind anymore. There'll be more of them." Madara froze as she didn't think of that one and she sighs making Izuna to chuckle as she gently picks her up.

"I'll get your favorite food made for you. How long does it take for the pregnancy to end?" Madara wasn't going to answer making her to shrug at her as she looks to Aizawa-sensei who sighs.

"As much as your defense has worked, they somehow got in."

"They sneak in by portal and I didn't think of it which I'll do next time. How are you going to save Kaachan, sensei?" Aizawa sighs.

"No clue." Kota has gotten attached to Izuna and Mandalay didn't mind it since she's different . Izuna noticed Kirishima left with both Yaoyorozu and Todoroki sneaking out with Iida trying to stop them.

"Vlad King-sensei!" He saw where she's pointing towards and he sent her with Hitoshi after them to make sure they don't get hurt as Taiyou, Matoba, Tooru, Tanuma and Sunita went as well, too as backup as they went to get a vehicle to get them out of there.

"Yes, sir." Izuna followed as she placed Madara in her bag and she can handle the weight no matter what. Kota's going to be following them if his friends didn't stop him and fully explain to him fully that it's too dangerous which he accepts as he looks back to her only.


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