The Sealing part 1

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Izuna's worried as Eri might not be ready to bring out her main Quirk making Hitoshi to calm her down as everything's going to be fine which calms her down, but Eri went through a lot making her to look to her and her eyes weren't human which's enough for Izuna to allow it.

"Hitoshi? Remember how you wanted to see my main Quirk?" Hitoshi nods before he saw Izuna stepping away from him and she stomps onto the ground making her Quirk to show itself fully making Hitoshi to be shocked before Eri and Tenma did the same thing.

"Hitoshi? Remember how you wanted to see my main Quirk?" Hitoshi nods before he saw Izuna stepping away from him and she stomps onto the ground making her Quirk to show itself fully making Hitoshi to be shocked before Eri and Tenma did the same thing

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(AN: Izuna's main Quirk)

(AN: Izuna's main Quirk)

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(AN: Eri's main Quirk)

(AN: Tenma's main Quirk, hair's both black and blue with green highlights)

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(AN: Tenma's main Quirk, hair's both black and blue with green highlights)

Hitoshi's shocked as he doesn't know what the Quirks are called making Izuna to answer his very question as her's is just a Demon Quirk while both Eri and Tenma has Demonic Angel Quirks, though Tenma's a falling Angel version of Eri's.

The skulls in both her and Eri's eyes mean Death powers and only for self-defense. Tenma's slit eyes means more demonic in his Quirk fully. It's making Hitoshi to wonder about his and Izuna's child making her to wait until the future.

Izuna didn't want to scare anyone which's way she hide her main Quirk from them making Hitoshi to hug her as he's not scared of her main Quirk and never will be no matter what as he loves her too much to be scared of her fully.

Eri's True Mother, Izuna MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now