Hearts Desired (Ending)

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It was more than two months.

They had not contacted each other. Xiao Zhan was immersed in his new Hotel Branch Launch.

And Wang Yibo.... His matches and modeling.

Xiao Zhan kept a record of him, for his every modeling shoot.

The photoshoot for the perfume was published in a well published magazine. And it took one and a half day to recover.

The intimicy, the closeness. The proximity. Their expression. And Wang Yibo...

His apperance.

How he missed him. His body under his hands. Feeling at his lips.

His heart was burning. And no amount of alcohol was helping him.

"Zhan. Enough." Haikuan took the glass from him.

He was drinking for the last one hour. Non-stop. Zoucheng didn't stop him first. But now it was crossing his limits.

"Shattap." Xiao Zhan was drunk so he smacked hi hand and grab or more like hugging his glass again.

"No. No more alcohol. Let's Go home." He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and drag him outside.

Haikuankwas stumbling as Xiao Zhan almost lost his balance and as a result Zoucheng kind of bumped into someone.

He excused hurrily and took Xiao Zhan to his car.


He didn't see who he bumped into. But the man was standing shocked.

Xiao Zhan was never careless when it was consuming alcohol. So what happened to him now? How come he lost his control.

'And who is the man with him? His boyfriend ? Or his new Partner?'

With these thoughts Wang Yibo turned back to leave for him home. Excusing himself for the night with his friends.

'Who ever he maybe. Why does it matter to me? Why do i hurt? I broke up with him. So he can do whatever he wants and he can h3 with anyone he needs.'

He was battling with himself sitting near pool.

"What happened Yibo?" His dad sat with him and he sighed. l

"Nothing Father."

"It doesn't seem nothing. Why don't you let it out?" He gathered his son to him.

"Sometimes it's better to say it out Yibo." His father encourage him to speak as he could see him fighting with himself.

"Let's say... We loved someone. But the other person doesn't understand the meaning of personal space and tries to impose you?" He started of the conversation.

His Father smiled a bit but carry on with the flow.

"Well depends. If the person is imposing out of just using the RELATIONSHIPS CARD orbito show off AUTHORITY then we can fight back for our right decisions.

But, if it is out of LOVE, then its okay to listen to it for once."

"What if the person forces you to leave your profession.?" He wasn't satisfied yet.

"Again. Depends. Some people arw possessive of their partner. So they tend to get involved with their personal matters." He replied calmly.

"What is personal space then?" He was getting irritated.

"Yibo. Personal space means to let your loved ones close to you by setting some mutual boundaries. Its about knowing your comfort zone. Like one person is clingy, or demanding, and another person doesn't like it. The Better option is to state it clearly and not shutting yourself completely."

Love Encounter ( ZhanYi/XiaoWang FF)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now