Chap 1: Proposal P.1

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"Congratulations someone. It's the tenth of the row, Right?" Xiao Zhan turned to his father who came into Study to get a glass of whiskey from the mini bar.

"Thank you dad. Yes it's tenth. " He looked at his father who raised his glass for a cheers And he clinked The glass together...

"So. What are you doing at this hour? Aren't you tired of entertaining the business community? " He's dad took a seat on the sofa and he sighed.

He settled on his rocking chair with a file in his hand that he was studying.

The study room is so cozy as if there was no sign of chilled wind outside the closed windows, covered with a heavy curtain to absorbed  every sound. The fireplace was lit with a fire as the wood cracked then and now...

He was wearing his night suit with silk gown and carpet slippers.

Though it's really late at night but the way his dad was sitting Comfortably on the sofa clicked Xiao Zhan that he wants to talk...

Same Old, Same Old.

So he wanted to end it here and there.

Be it or not to be it.

"Dad... What's the point.?" He turned to him.

"Son... I want to see you settled in life, is it that impossible wish?" The same trump card.

"Okay... Do it pleases you." Xiao Zhan closed the file and stood in a  window slightly pulling the curtain at the same time as  a lightning striked followed by a load thunder...

It was raining...

"But I'm not emposing on you son. "His dad watched his broad back padding his fingertips on the glass Edge..

" I didn't say that you are emposing...  So what's the deal..?" He sat in front of him. Trying to sound interested.

"Well... Mr. Wang. He wants to link his gumbling with us and also to be our business partner. 25 hotels, 15 halls, Fifthy Fifthy. And..." His dad paused.

"So. He is offering his son or daughter?" Xiao Zhan was calmed. So was his dad...

"Wang Yibo. Graduate as Sports major. Now a model, Bike rider, basketball player, Skater.  They just want an engagement for now.

Officially Partnership.

Marriage or no Marriage it' will up to guy's...

I have invited them tomorrow.  Make sure you are free.

It's late.  Go to sleep now. I have placed the picture under your glass.  Good night." His dad announced, bid him a Good night and left him in his thoughts.

"Dinner. Merger. Engagement." Huffff... He huf as he racked his fingers in his hair.

A shining picture attracted him to pick it. And he did.

"Wang Yibo.  You sure are beautiful. "He traced the picture and left his for room. He couldn't work on a file anymore.

(*0*) / (*0*) /

"Yibo... What would it hurt to just sit and talk to me for a while.." Mr. Wang was waiting for past one hour for Wang Yibo to stop his activity and listen to him.

Basketball practices and then skate boarding with friends and now he's in gym,he was sweating,wanting to swim but his father wasn't going to wait anymore.

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