Meeting You In Korea

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// No ones POV //

Xiao zhan laughed when Wang Yibo disconnected the call with a flashed face. His mood was automatically fresh as he took bath and got ready for a short visit to his office.

"Sir we have to visit Korea on Monday. The foreign team wants to meet you." His manager boss updated him as soon as he entered his office

"Korea... How many days?" He asked checking a files.

"Four days. Two meet ups." His manager confirmed the schedule on the table in his hands.

"Hmmmmm. Leaving on?"

"Sunday noon." He replied shortly.

"Done. Pick me at home." He closed the file after signing the documents and handed it over to Nikki his PA (Personal Assistant)

His manager briefed him about a few more things before he bid goodbye to leave home.

He was happy  he was going to Korea. But he was reluctant either to inform Wang Yibo or keep it surprise.

"I guess I should tell him." He droppes the idea of surprise. And choose to wait for his next call.



unday was busy. He was busy practicing in a fresh mood. Thanking his coach to give  him a day off.

He just came out after taking a long relaxing bath and saw his phone ringing.

"Hi Zhan-Ge..." He replied in fresh but kind of tired tone.

"What happened Yibo? Tired? Take rest I will call later." Xiao Zhan was concerned as soon as he heard the tired voice.

"Oh no Ge. I will go to sleep after talking to you. Besides I have a news for you." Gulf told him excitedly. And Xiao zhan held his breath.

"I have sent you an email. It's your VVIP ticket to my match schedule on Wednesday. You can watch me playing from VVIP booth. Especially for you alone. " Wang Yibo informed and Xiao Zhan couldn't be more happy.

"Thank you so much Wang Yibo. Means a lot to me. But u have a news for you too." Xiao zhan took a pause and Wang Yibo hated it.

"What... What what ZHAN-GE!!!! Hurrryyyy pleassseeee!!!* he demaned and Xiao zhan chuckled.

"Well. I am coming to Korea Tonight.For a meeting. But I will  be free on  Wednesday. So..."

"Reaaalllyyyy?!!! Yaayyyyyy! Okay. Am  booking a suit for you at  my hotel. Where am staying. You just need to ask for your name at the receptionist okay. But wait...

Do you want me to pick you up?" He asked and Xiao zhan thought for a while.

"Only if you are free. I will send you the flight details." Xiao zhan told him praying that he sure have time.

"Done Zhan-Ge! I will be there. Oh God. You must be at the airport right now." Wang Yibo checked the time.

"Yes I am. About to board on  plane. See you in few hours my Bo-die baby."

"So cheesy  Zhan-ge. Byeeee. See you at the airport!"  Wang Yibo hung up the call  and Xiao zhan was laughing.

"Ohh. I love you Wang Yibo!" He couldn't wait to see him..


"Zhan-Ge!!!!" Wang Yibo wave his hand as Wang Yibo reached they parking area. It was later m at night when his flight landed. He had texted Wang Yibo  to  stay in the parking as his fans would surround him.

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