Epilogue 🔞

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"Kuan-Ge is fun. And so is Cheng-Ge." They were going back after a friendly dinner with them.

"Yeah they are. Haikuan is always cheerfull." Xiao Zhan Commented as they recalled one of the jokes tonight.

"Zhan-Ge." Wang Yibo called him and he hummed softly.

"Thank you Zhan-Ge." Wang Yibo put his head on Xiao zhan's shoulder.

He parked the car road side and turned to him.

"Thank's for what Bo-di?" His kissed his forehead.

"For not letting me go." He was saying closed.

"How could I baby. I can't live without you in my life." Xiao Zhan leaned his lips on Wang Yibo's.

"I can't live without you too. You know that shoot. When the model came closer to me. I felt so uneasy. For the very first time. That Intimacy, that closeness was uncomfortable. I felt I don't belong here.

When she leaned on me, I thought about you, backhugging me. Snuggling into my neck.

When I had to pull her in my arms. I felt your arms surrounding me.

And when I had to pretend kissing her, all i was thinking about your lips that im Addicted too.

I felt im cheating on you Ge.

Then i went to the bar. To have a drink. Bit I couldn't relax. The alcohol was useless to ease my mind.

It remind me of the night we spent on in the bar. That was the first hit. The first reminder to tell me that I am incomplete without you by my side, in my life.

I saw you with Kuan-Ge in the bar that night. There was a pain in my heart. That I couldn't relate.

I felt he has snatched you away from me.

Then in the party. You were laughing with him.

Then i realised what you would have felt at that time in the hotel. You were not imposing yourself. You were just jealous. Like i was.

And n9w I have you. Back with me. I feel complete. All broke piece of my heart are back into its place."

Wang Yibo was letting it out. He felt a burden lifting off. Xiao Zhan smiled as he cupped his face in his big hands.

He softly kissed Wang Yibo's eyes, nose, his cheeks, and ending on his lips. His soft plump lips.

"Let's get married baby!" He said and Wang Yibo looked at back at him.

"This weekend Zhan-Ge." He didn't waste anytime to agree as he didn't want anyone to snatched what belongs to him and himself.

"This weekend. I love you so much Wang Yibo." He whispered againts his lips.

"I love you too so much Xiao Zhan.  He closed the gap between them and shared a kiss with passion, love, and desire.


It was one of grand weddings the city witnessed.

It was exotic. It was magical. It was beautifully arranged by Haikuan and his Husband Jiang cheng (Sorry for other who didn't ship them, I just really ship them)

 It was beautifully arranged by Haikuan and his Husband Jiang cheng (Sorry for other who didn't ship them, I just really ship them)

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