Failed 🔞

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No one's POV

Xiao Zhang was true to his words. He was so gentle with him. He Kissed him senseless while removing the last piece of cloths falling to hide his painful erection.

Wang Yibo felt a tingle in his stomach as Xiao Zhan was worshipping his body. He was placing passionate Kisses on his face. Now that he was satisfied with how plump his lips were now. He kissed his jaw line.

The soft skin under his jaw. Sucking his earlobe. Trailing marks on his milky skin as turned his head to one side.

He wasn't aware that his neck could be this sensitive. Just the breath fanning on his skin was setting him on fire.

Or his nipples.

Was his nipples his soft spot too? He couldn't think straight as Xiao zhan was licking his right nipple twisting the other one fingers. Altering them. Loving them equally. Xiao zhan was arroused himself as he was listening to beautiful melodi moans into his ears. The hissings, the muffled sounds were making him impatient to burry him deep inside Wang Yibo. But he was taking all time to please him.

Knowing that he was a virgin, he had to be extra careful because he didn't have anything with him. No lube no condoms. He had to work with his long fingers and tongue.

Wang Yibo slowly grab a handfull of his hair pushing him down, silently requesting him to make him feel good. If it was any other moment he would have granted it fully right on spot, but a certain piece of him was fighting for dominance.

He pulled Wang Yibo's hand and pinned both above his head with his one hand...

Wang Yibo was struggling to get himself free as Xiao zhan open his legs slipping his legs between in between. His knees teasing the tight balls as it was adjusted perfectly in between his throbbing cock and the beautiful pink hole.

"Having fun.... " He licked his inner ear and Wang Yibo shivered under him.
"Zhan-Ge...Aaannnngggghhh.. " He couldn't speak clearly.

"What is it my beautiful boy? Tell me what you want Ge to do?" Xiao zhan teased by blowing air on it and he lift his head to attach those lips but Xiao zhan back off.

"No.. Not like this. Say what you want." He could clearly see a red shade spreading on the body below him.

Under his control.

At his mercy.

His baby boy was so dependant on him. To move, to be kissed, to be fondle, To be pleased. To be fucked....

"You want me to kiss you?"

"Yesssss Zhan-Ge!!!." Wang Yibo spoke between their attached lips.

"You want me to touch you?"

"Aaahhhh Zhan-Ge Morrrrree!" He trashed his body under his fingers.

"You want me to please?"

"Sssssssss." Wang Yibo hissed as the cool metal ring grazed his length.

"You want me to hold you..? "

"Tiiigggghhhhhttt. Zhan-Ge. Fasterrrrrr pleaaasseeee...." He jolted in pleasure as Xiao zhan tight his whole length and pumped it. Swapping his thumb over leaking head.

Wang Yibo felt he would just cum..

It was getting too much for him. He didn't even remember the last time he touched himself.

He was rock hard, he was leaking. He was getting breathless and Xiao zhan fasten his pace.

"Kiiissss! Kisss meee pppl.... Plleeeaas---." His wish was granted before he even finished.

Xiao zhan left his wrists and he was quick to wrap them around his shoulder. Gripping his nape to deepen it. His opened his eyes do a brief moment and met a pair of eyes. Dark. Intense. Lustfull.

Being dominated by Xiao zhan was something that turned him on.

"Zhan-Ge... Fasss.... Fassttt..... Mmmh... Clo... I'm close.... Zh-zhangeee!! Hmmnn.." His moans satisfied Xiao zhan.

"Cum bo-di. Let it go...." He said huskily and like Wang Yibo was was just waiting for this command.

Xiao zhan let Wang Yibo fuck gus fist gripping his dick before he cum hard into his hand. Dripping on the sheets, thighs and in between their bodies.

He was still ridding his high as he felt Xiao zhan stood up. He looked at him with dazed eyes.

He couldn't see what he was doing as he had his back to him. But he saw him holding a glass of chilled whiskey with ice cubes filling the glass.

He walked back to him taking a sip before attaching their lips together. Sharing the alcohol.

Was it always this strong? Was it always this sweet? His rationalmind was negating the fact that whiskey is never sweet. But the taste on his tongue was nothing but sweet.

But who cares. He was just focusing on the pair of lips moving with this.

"What the...." There was a cool sensation on his inner thighs. His cock was twitching back as he felt Xiao zhan laying head on his soft plush tummy and playing with an ice cube.

"It's cold Zhan-Ge.. " He was giggling at the feeling.

"Hmmmmm." He only hummed and Wang Yibo felt a pressure building up in the pit of his stomach as Xiao zhan rolled the ice cube on his length springing right on his face.

He was playing with the sheer excitement as a kid loves to play with his favourite toy.

Well. Xiao zhan got his one..

They had just cleaned themself. Actually Xiao zhan did.

"Like it baby?" Xiao zhan asked him popping up his head and Wang Yibo nodded shyly. The cool touch on his hot dick was very pleasurable.

"You like to tease. Aaaaahhhhhh." Even Wang Yibo forgot what he had to say as his waist 2as arched perfectly throwing his head back in the pillow he was clutching with both hands.

All of a sudden Xiao zhan took all garden cock in his warm mouth. Sucking it licking it like he did while licking waffles cobe. He lapped his tongue from the base to the tip. Twirling around the flushing red head.


Wwwhhoopppsss!! Let's cut here for the mean timeee33!!!

Thank you for boringgg 😍
Thank you for reading❤
Im sorry for the late update 😵
Typo error 😵

Vote eeee agawin ng hshshshs hhaha..

Love you allll 😍

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