H A R R Y • P O T T E R

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A Wizard for Christmas

T H E S O F T J I N G L E J A N G L E of Christmas bells filled the air as the fresh, white snow fell down on London.

It was a quiet time of year for Harry, one he enjoyed away from the Wizarding World.

Well, as quiet as this holiday could be. Which was not very much if he was being honest with himself.

Muggles had everything harder; but when it came to Christmas, they certainly had it better.

He watched as parents led children through the toy stores and as older people contemplated what to get their grandchildren: the sales assistants jumping up and down, explaining to them about the latest and greatest toys.

His eyes caught sight of families as they gathered outside the cinema to watch that new Grinch movie. Probably something to do with Christmas, too.

The excited chatter and laughter of children rang up and down the streets as the light of day started fading. Perhaps it was getting a bit late, but he wanted to see how the streets lit up with bright greens, golds and reds.

Nothing was as beautiful as the muggle world at Christmas time.

"Mama, hurry! Santa hasn't heard what I want for Christmas, yet!" A little boy cried while dragging his mother through the snow.

"I'm coming!" Her laughter chimed like the merry bells on Christmas trees. Almost magical.

In her rush to follow the boy, her pale blue scarf blew past her shoulder and landed in Harry's hands. The snowflake pattern was as delicate as the snow that decorated his hair and coat.

With a smile, he decided to follow them.

"Ma'am." Harry called after her, weaving through the colour coded crowd.

"Ma'am, you dropped your scarf!"

The black haired little boy turned around and tugged at his mother to stop before pointing to Harry.

The wizard held up the scarf, earning him a bright smile from the beautiful muggle. This only encouraged Harry to walk towards them with a smile of his very own.

"Excuse me, ma'am, you dropped this." He said breathlessly as he reached them.

"Thank you." She blushed.

"Mom, I think we can skip seeing Santa." The boy said after a while of watching his mother and the kind stranger sharing a lingering gaze.

"Don't you want to go anymore?" She questioned with a raised brow.

"I don't need to. I already got my Christmas wish."

"What did you wish for?" Harry asked.

"A wizard for Christmas."

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