O L I V E R • W O O D

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H I S H E A R T R A N W I L D at the sight of her.

For the past few weeks he had been walking by that Muggle café; trying to catch better glimpses of the lovely young woman.

He willed himself to walk towards the small building that was squeezed in between two larger, more modern, ones. His own feet sounded awkward and loud to him as they touched down on the sidewalk ever so often.

His feet stopped as he caught sight of her hair glimmering in the sunlight that streamed into the café. That colour had never looked so alive on anyone else.

"Watch it, son." An old Irishman caught hold of his arm as he tripped at the entrance.
"Ya ought to be a bit more careful."

"Thank you, sir."
His gaze wondered away towards her again. The old man followed his blatant staring.

"Ah, I see. 'Tis a pretty lass that's got ya all in a fuss now." The man smirked mischievously.

"Lass, why don't ya bring me my usual and get this poor lad some sweet tea for his nerves."

"Coming, Mr. Colloty."

She even sounded like an angel. Oliver stares at the man in disbelief. He didn't know whether to thank him or run away.

"Yer welcome lad. Now come sit down."

It didn't take long for their small talk to end when the young woman reached their table.

She placed the small tea tray in front of Oliver with a soft smile..

Oliver choked on his tea when he saw a ring on her finger. His heart sank abruptly in his chest. "Are you married?" He croaked.

"No, it was my mother's." She held out the ring for him to inspect.

"It's very nice." His eyes couldn't move away from hers. Their spectacular colour held him in place.

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