R E G U L U S • B L A C K

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Excerpt from my book Mangled Stars
(Shadowhunters x Harry Potter)

Kreacher aparated into number 12 Grimmauld Place with a thunderous crack. The elf had never been so exhausted in his entire life. Then again, he had never been so close to death before. It was only by the order of his young Master Black that he came back at all.

He was thirsty to the point of near insanity.

"Kreacher!" The color had drained from his young Master's face. All the house-elf could manage was a near inaudible cry for water.

Regulus snatched him up from the floor and hurried down to into the kitchen. Regulus's eyes burned with unshed tears. Kreacher observed him and want to punish himself for making his young Master upset. He just didn't have the energy to do it.

"Don't worry, I'll get you some water. You'll be okay." The crack in his voice made Kreacher want to hit himself again. Young Master was kind, helping him drink the pint of water.

"You must tell me everything that happened while you were with the Dark Lord." said Regulus. Since Voldemort had assumed the elf would die, he had made no attempt into swearing him to secrecy. It was enough incentive to repeat to his young Master all that the Dark Lord had made him do.

Regulus took him to his quarters and put him straight to bed with a Drought of Dreamless Sleep. Young Master is kind, the elf thought before everything went dark.

Regulus could admit that he had been horrified. When he had volunteered his family's house-elf to the Dark Lord he had been so proud to be of use to him. He would have never done that if he knew what he would be putting Kreacher through. That elf was the only good thing in Grimmauld Place.

Regulus could no longer stand beside the Dark Lord, ignoring his depravity. He was suddenly very aware of the depth of the waters he was in. There were no waves to sweep him back out to shore. He was going to drown. No two ways about it.

The conclusion of irrevocable death lead him to his decision. His death would mean something to those who would need it most. He stalked silently into the family library. It was dusty and well stocked in macabre books on all things dark. Perfect for what he needed. He started combing through all of the books containing information on Salazaar Slytherin and horcruxes. He wasted no time starting work on his plot to foil the Dark Lord.

Regulus was awoken by a loud crack. His neck was sore and his body stiff from having fallen asleep in the library's armchair. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, mind you. A sullen frown crossed his features. He certainly hadn't planned on falling asleep in here.

"Young Master Black, the Mistress Black is calling for yous to come down for breakfast." Kreacher promptly left after stating his business, leaving Regulus to groan in his wake.

He rubbed his eyes with his palms and stood to make his way down into the dining room. "Good morning Mother, good morning Father."

Orion peeked up from behind the Daily Prophet to acknowledge his son with a nod. "Good morning my boy." Walburga stretched out her hand for him to kiss. He knew his mother loved him, but ever since Sirius had run away at sixteen she was never the same.

His parents were by no means affectionate, but it was moments like this morning when he knew. His mother's softly spoken words and relaxed face. She had been more affectionate these last three months.

It made him worry. Something was distinctively off. He would say nothing for the time being and just enjoy it.

Regulus hadn't realized he was even hungry until he started eating his eggs and toast. For a moment, everything was tranquil. But tranquility was the dream of old men who preferred to die in their sleep.

The Dark Mark started burning when he reached for his tea, making him promptly drop it with a hiss. His parents shared a look. They had always preached on blood purity, but they had never wanted their son to be a Death Eater, and worried for him.

"Please excuse me." The pained expression on his face was the only give away as he stood up and left the room at strolling pace.

Kreacher had snuck back in after the young Master Black had left to go down for breakfast. He knew what the young Master wanted to do but he had to stop him. He was to be protected from himself.

Kreacher hid the books with his magic and went back into the kitchens where he was needed.

He would not allow his Master to go through something so awful. It would certainly kill him. And Kreacher would do all he could to stop him. Whatever else people called the house-elf, he was first and utmost, loyal to the Ancient and most Noble House of Black.

The house-elf heard his name being called and appeared before Regulus with a crack.

"Kreacher is at yous service young Master Black." He bowed as low as his rickety back would allow.

"Hide away the books in the library from everyone but myself. Do not breathe a word of this to anyone." He was gritting through his teeth at that point.

The elf recognized the call of the Death Eater at once when his master clasped his inner forearm. He nodded as his young master flew up in a flurry of smoke and darkness. 

Regulus Arcticus Black was as of this moment, a rogue element in the war.

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