S I R I U S • B L A C K

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"What is the Wizarding World like?" I whispered, almost afraid that he was a fragile ghost of my imagination.

He gently let me down onto the overgrown lawn, his strong arm keeping me balanced until my back reached the soft greenery.

Dear God, had anyone ever been so extraordinarily beautiful?

The sun behind his head made his black hair glow like a halo and his gentle smile made me believe that this man was not a man at all.

An angel.

That's what he must be. Never in existence would the Creator allow for anything to be more breathtaking than this ethereal being taking up my view.

His words reached my ears, but the meaning of them remained a mystery to me.

When he laid down beside me, I could find no flaw attached to his features.

Strong dark brows framed his sharp face. His glorious symmetrical face. He was so pale that for a moment I considered if he were sculpted from white marble. Michelangelo would have envious and disregard David in a moment to be able to lay eyes on God's own art piece.

Eyes like silver clouds watched me with slow fascination. Regarding me with a foreign look that I could not yet read despite knowing that it was a form of admiration.

He reached out with his long fingers, tracing my portruding cheekbones and feathering over my uneven mouth. The upper had always been fuller than the lower lip. It had always been a source of insecurity, but beneath his fingers I felt more valuable than a Mönet.

"Beautiful." His velvety voice was an addictive substance. Morphine to my troubled being. Honestly I wanted nothing more than to listen to him all day.

If anyone found us, they would only see two lovers, hair tangled in the grass beneath.


"The Wizarding World is vast." His voice drew me into a deeper sense of peace.

"Utterly fascinating and honestly there is never a dull moment." His fingers were attracted to my skin like magnets to steel. "It has strange creatures and plants, with equally mad wizards and witches. Brilliant, all of it. My world has no rival."

His deep sigh indicated that he was letting himself relax fully now.

"Save perhaps you, my lady." Now it was his turn to whisper.

He allowed himself to hover over me, seeking permission to fashion himself to my body. I allowed him to engulf me with all the senses two lovers could possibly possess. Each stroke, touch and kiss leaving me a blathering hot mess underneath him until we found ourselves utterly spent in each other's embrace.

Soaking up the moment, my eyes shut against the brightness and let my other senses take over in my exhaustion.

I could hear the ladybugs flying past my face and the bees gathering in the nearby oak.

The spirit of the wind winding itself between the leaves above and the grass below. His breath becoming more labored as he tried to keep quiet, until he eventually fell into a gentle slumber beside me.

It was hard to imagine that scarcely a month ago, he had appeared on the nunnery's grounds and now I couldn't be found without him.

He had once told me of how frantically he had been searching the fields of flowers and daring even to enter the sanctuary in search of me.

When I had asked him why, he had only said that the memory of the girl serving in the muggle hospital held a grip on him that he could not shake. She had saved his life and treated him with such tender devotions as he had never known in his life. He had known brotherly affections, but the true affections of a lady had evaded him. Flights of fancy were all he was used to.

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