R E G U L U S • B L A C K

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Darker Days, Darling

" E X C U S E M E , " A   S O F T
voice intruded his thoughts.

It was a beautiful day and he fully intended to spend it at the park with a good book.
The only thing standing between him and the Chronicles of Choldar: Masters of Magic, was a heavy sigh escaping his lips and a slip of a Scottish girl.

"Can I help you, miss...?" He scrunched his brows together trying to recall if he knew her from somewhere. Maybe she sat at the back of DADA where no one would ever take notice of her.

"McGee. (Y/N) McGee. I t'was wondering if I could walk with you to the park? It's just that I noticed that you were already on your way there and I really dunna like walking alone."

Regulus felt sick to his stomach.

He offered her his arm, as it was the gentlemanly thing to do. Her smile was lovely as she took him up on his invitation.

"Are you new here?" He asked as they walked at a steady pace on the concrete pavement.

"No, actually. My family and I hav been livin here since I was a wee lass. I've seen you a lot, you know. But this year not as much as the others."

"That's because I go to a boarding school in Scotland." He murmured.

"I was born in Scotland, doncha know?" She boasted sweetly.

"Never would have guessed." He smiled slyly as she laughed at him for his obvious fib.

"Fibbin' might get you in to trouble."

His cousin Bellatrix gave him a sympathetic look as he turned green when he watched the twitching of the dying muggle's body.

All he could think about was his muggle wife, (Y/N). If they found out about her, she would surely endure the same.

"You're back!" Regulus was taken aback by her sudden embrace.

"O, I'm sorry. I dunna mean to disturb your readin." The girl grinned sheepishly, which earned her one of his special smiles.

"Don't worry about it."

The pair sat together on the park bench, chatting about what they had been up to throughout the year while he was gone.

She enquirer about his school year, but all he could repeat was that he was glad that second year was over and that he was excited to start with third. (Y/N) thought that the school was nightly fancy if it had professors instead of teachers like hers did.

They spent that summer at the park and at her house just across the street, narrowly missing encounters with his unsuspecting parents.

It was the year he became a bit of a devout, after all, Merlin seemed to hear each of his prayers whenever his parents would nearly catch him with the muggle girl.

He tried to push away those thoughts. They were being careful.

The man had soiled himself and the air was wretched with the sharp smell of piss, bringing Regulus back to the present.

Bella stood behind him and helped him raise his wand at the muggle.

To them, this muggle was nothing more than an animal in a zoo full of cruel keepers. He felt the bile rising in his throat.

"Just do it." She whispered placing her chin on his shoulder as an affectionate gesture.

The muggle looked like a gaping fish. Jaw open. Jaw shut. Jaw open.

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