J A M E S • P O T T E R

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The Black Swan

into the forest adjacent to his parent's manor near Gloucester.

The soft thud of hooves could be heard running through the thick of the emerald woods.

He used to run here as a child, playing hide and seek with his father.

Of course, running around in the forest meant something a little different now.

It had been weeks since he had last been able to let his stag run free, and he was afraid that if he didn't take this chance he wouldn't be able to let Prongs out until school started back up again.

Not that he didn't love his friends, but sometimes he just wanted to run around without having to worry about being bitten on the bum by a bloody werewolf who thought it was funny to watch his eyes go wide with surprise.

It was good not being chased or bitten.

James approached the lake with his antlers raised high and his steps proud and sure. James was King of the Forest, and he was sure to let all the other critters know.

As he lowered his head for a drink, a damned branch caught hold of his pride. The stag tried to shake them free from the tree's grasp, only to cause its petals to rain down like the gentle snow in Hogsmeade.

With a final tug he was released from its grip, but he knew that the tree would have the last laugh. He could feel little branches full of flowers stuck up there and knew for sure that he would be picking out twigs and petals from his hair later.

He decided not to dwell on it, as it was "future-me's-problem," as he so often put it.

It wasn't until he spotted movement on the waters that he picked up his gait to investigate.

In the pond, swimming amongst the white petals, was black swan. Incredibly rare creature as it was, there had never been any in this area and so it made him curious.

He watched for a while until the sun set and the unusual bird left the waters and promptly turned back into a girl.

His eyes went wide as saucers before he decided to approach her slowly. If she was another illegal animagus, he thought that it would be better if she didn't know about his existence.

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