I) S E V E R U S • S N A P E

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and her sisters playing on the new swing set of the community park. The redhead, brunette and the (Y/H/C)/The two redheads and the brunette.

While the two twins were not identical, you could easily see that they were sisters.

The brunette, he could have sworn he heard her name was Petunia, was not as similar to them in appearance.

Sometimes he wished that he had a sibling. Maybe it would have made things easier at home.

He watched them run over to the ancient oak tree, giggling with glee.

Severus contemplated going over to the three girls who seemed to be about his age. Maybe they would be friends with him.

He would like to have friends.

An ear piercing scream split his ears as he watched the other twin fall down from the top of the tree.

Something compelled him to run forward that day.

Some muggles would call it the red string.

Wizards would sometimes call it the patronus call. Rare even for those destined by fate.

All he knew was that he had to be there to catch her.


Year by year, the two would sit together on the Hogwarts Express with her sister, Lily.

The three of them were nearly inseparable, seen together more often than not.

The three of them would discuss their academics, muggle things, what they had done during the summer when they hadn't spent time together.

"Fly me to the moon..." the (Y/E/C) beauty would sing to herself, only to be teased by her sister for liking such old songs.

They weren't very groovy.

Severus just listened to her sweet voice, wishing she would sing those lyrics into his ear.

He closed his eyes with a slight smile.

"What are you smirking at?" Lily asked with a smirk of her own.

"At your inability to agree with each other about muggle music." He peered at them with one eye.

"I'll have you know that Frank Sinatra is the best artist of all time."

"What about the Beatles?" Her sister asked.

"I like them, too. But Frank has my heart." She sighed dreamily. "He speaks to my soul."

"Who knew that the infamous (Y/N) Evans was a romantic at heart." Lily teased and Severus joined in her laughter.

"Stop it you two." She eventually joined in the laughter.

It was hard not to peer at Sev every now and then, watching his handsome face. It was rare for him to laugh like this, and she enjoyed every moment of it.

She was going to remember this moment forever.

"Fifth year is going to be the best."

"Stop it!" She hit Sirius's bicep with her fist. "Put him down!" Evans shrieked.

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