R O N • W E A S L E Y

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The Secret Language of Muggles

In a last ditch attempt, Ron may have lost his way around London.
It wasn't like it was on purpose, per sé, it was more of an accidentally on purpose kind of situation.

Even his own bloody thoughts were confusing him. Muggle London was finally getting the better of Auror Weasley. It was only a matter of time before he understood what "Pokemon" and "Tamagotchi" meant.

Harry was not much help. He just kept snickering at anything Ron would point out as suspicious. Like those bars that go round as you try to enter buildings. Surely that was dark magic. (Insert Ron squinting suspiciously).

"I'm telling you, Harry, it's right around this corner..." Ron was not paying attention to where he was going.

"Mate, no, we've already been this way-" But then again, neither was Harry.

Well, Ron knew this.

But there was one young woman keeping him in her orbit. And he was sure she was using some sort of love potion or spell on him.

However, telling Harry was not an option, as his friend would likely tease him and tell him he had a crush on her.

"Harry Potter?" The two men shrieked and jumped about a foot backwards in the air at the sound of a woman's voice.

It was her voice.

"Sorry miss...do I, uh...? Harry scratched the back of his head.

"(Y/N) Smith, from primary school? I know it's been years, but I'd recognize those glasses anywhere." She smiled.

Ron was filled with a ravenous jealousy.

"Who's your cute friend?" She asked, peeking at Ron whilst biting her lower lip.

This of course sent the young wizard into a fitfully splutter of would-be-words and made an red flush crawl over his ginger features.

This had gone better than he though.
But also, way worse.

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