G E O R G E • W E A S L E Y

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Toys for Children

London, which was situated next to the infamous Diagon Alley.

Now, his day had started off as any other insignificant Wednesday. There was eggs on toast for breakfast, and the horrid neighbor was at it again. This time yelling at the top of his lungs at a stray cat who had the most horrendous misfortune of falling asleep on the woman's bay window. Loopy Lucy continued this pointless exercise, even as the black cat blinked at her indifferently with its piercing blue eyes.

All in all, another meaningless, if not splendid day.

His toast was firm and the eggs were soft, so he had no idea what to complain for. His second glass of pumpkin juice went down well. The post owl hadn't flown straight into his window with a great big thud.

It didn't take long for him to get ready, and the shop was waiting for him with a sense of content he hadn't experienced in a while.

The stock take didn't take so long and the newest invention quickly had its own floor space. Well, it wasn't an invention per se, as much as it was a simple child's toy. It was mechanical as much as it was magical, and the tiny gears beneath the cream coloured fur of the little bears made them walk around with such ease that one would easily mistake them for an animate object.

One fell from the display and without thinking George thrust it into his suit pocket as he picked it up.

It was only half way through the day that it all came crashing down on him. The pittying looks, the quietness of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. Mrs. McGregor passing by with a home-baked good. At first, he could ignore the looks and pass off the quietness of the shop as a slow day. But as soon as the aging witch came in with that damned cherry pie all time ceased its ability to move.

Remembrance Day.

George could not bring himself to make the trip up to Hogwarts now.

The embarrassment and shame of forgetting this one day that held firm has calendar for the last five years. This year he had completely forgotten Fred.

"Thank you, Mrs. McGregor." His voice felt scratchy and his breathing became rickety. As soon as the witch turned her back, he closed the shop and aparated the hell away.

The red-headed wizard wandered around London for a very long time. Aimlessly allowing his legs to carry him among the hustling and bustling of the muggles among him.

When someone almost knocked him over he nearly missed the small shop, only doing a double take to make sure that there wasn't something amiss.

His heart sputtered violently at the sight of the (H/C) haired woman. So, before he knew it his feet had betrayed him and he found himself in the bright  but tiny shop.

Small children of all ages ran amuck, but the woman only laughed. It sounded like crystals chiming in the wind, reminding him very much of his childhood home.

Upon further inspection, he could see a hearty variety of children's books everywhere and beautiful watercolour illustrations of farm animals in tiny clothing, going about their day as if they were entirely human. Gorgeous wooden carvings of aeroplanes, dolphins, mermaids, fairies and land mammals hung freely from the ceiling. All of them painted masterfully to lend to the small imaginations visiting the shop. Few toys here and there, though.

"What's that?" A tiny strawberry haired girl tugged at his coat, pointing to the portruding bear he had all but forgotten about. "Can I see?" She couldn't have been more than four years old and so the small bear ensnared her attentions.

George carefully bent down so that she could look him in the eye.

"This is a toy that I made."
He seemed not to notice that he was now holding the attention of the woman who captured his earlier.

"Would you like to see it for yourself?"

With a fervent nod as his approval, he let the little bear go, winding up the tiny key on it's back.

"I'm just a silly old bear dancing... dee dee dee... watch me as I put on a show! You can be a big one, a small one, someone in between— "

The girl giggled as the bear danced around like an amateur ballerina.

"Certainly my audience has no age."

And with the silly tune quieting, the bear came to a stand still in front of the mysterious woman.

"This is quite remarkable."
Marlins saggy tits her eyes are gorgeous,
thought George to himself.

"Would you be interested in supplying my store?" Her smile was even better inside than it was when he was standing outside the shop.

"Subba beme amafly." His tongue felt heavy and he could feel the sweat beads form on his pale forehead.

"What I mean to say is, certainly, ma'am." He coughed to cover his nervousness. Her laughter again. He sighed inwardly.

"Why don't we discuss it over coffee over at the Red Café down the street? I get off at four this afternoon."

His face lit up and all of his previous troubles for the day were forgotten.

In the back of the shop stood an identical apparition, happy to have helped make his brother's day easier.

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