III) S E V E R U S • S N A P E

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S H E    L E F T    Severus standing there with their daughter in the doorway.

His wife had never been so mad at him before. But then again, he had never kept anything from her before. Nothing like this.

"I can't believe you!" Tears streamed down her face while she tugged at her scalp.

"You're a Deatheater!" She shrieked.

"Darling, calm down–"

"No. I need to see Lily. I can't calm down right now. I can't." She cried.

"Flower, it's late. Please don't go. It's not safe."

As soon as she shut the door in his face, Severus sent out his patronus to call Minerva to their little home in Godric's Hollow.

He needed to go after her but he couldn't risk his daughter's safety.

Not hers. Not little Rosie.

His proud stag lept from his wand in a bolt of blue smoke, running into the air to carry away his message.

The doe he once conjured had blossomed under the love of his wife to become the stag he was meant to be. Severus didn't know what he would do if he ever lost her.

Something had nagged at him ever since she had told him she was leaving for her sister's house. Something that had only happened once  before.

Severus was watching her again.
She and her sisters were playing on the new swing set of the community park.

He watched her from behind a tree. Wishing that he had a sibling. Maybe it would have made things easier at home if he had someone to find comfort in.

His eyes followed them as they ran over to the ancient oak tree, giggling with glee.

Severus contemplated going over to the three girls who seemed to be about his age. Maybe they would be friends with him.

He would like to have friends.

Maybe they wouldn't even mind that he was wearing his mother's old clothes.

An ear piercing scream split his ears as he watched the girl fall down from the top of the tree.

Something tugged at him and he ran forward. Much faster than he had ever gone before. It felt like he was flying towards her.

He didn't know what to call the feeling.
All he knew was that he had to be there to catch her.

And he did.

Severus stretched out his hands and performed magic that took decades to master. Most never did.

(Y/N)'s fall slowed down until she landed on the grass with a soft thud.

A puff of green smoke alerted him to Minerva's arrival.

"I came as quickly as I could." She said taking the baby from him.

"Take care of my daughter."
He could feel his eyes stinging with thankfulness towards the older woman.
"Please." He added softly before booting down the streets up to where he knew the Potter's were.

He was met halfway with the frantic cries of a silvery doe.

Her doe.

His feet carried him faster and faster until he wasn't sure if he had feet. Dark robes billowed out behind him as he moved swiftly through the darkness.

"(Y/N)!" He called out as he reached the front door of the little house; only to find it open and eerily quiet.

So many things ran through his head as he moved throughout the silent carcass of what once was a home.

"I love you. I always have. Nothing could make me stop. Not even you."

Her words trailed behind him like a ghost.

"I, (Y/N) Evans, take this man as my lawfully wedded husband."

His heart beat wildly in the throw of his chest.

"You're going to be a Daddy!"

Her memories clawed at him as he passed James' body and made his way up to the nursery.

In the moment he laid eyes on her, everything came crashing down.

"Get off me, you filthy mudbloods!"
He could see the hurt on her face, clear as day.

"I forgive you." He watched her hand stretch out towards him.

"Can't it wait for the Christmas party?" The image of her standing in the snow tore through him like a bad curse.

"Dance with me!" She led him into the lap of the beach to dance between the waves in the moonlight.

And then his eyes met with the same eyes his daughter had. The eyes that would haunt him forever.

His gaze found his wife's face again before he crumbled to his knees and cradled her for the last time.

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