II) S E V E R U S • S N A P E

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A D M I T T E D L Y , Severus Snape did not like large crowds or the busy streets of Diagon Alley.

It was a cold winter day and his great black cloak was making him boil from the inside out. It nearly caused his face to break out into any expression other than blank today.

"Sev!" (Y/N) beckoning him towards her. She looked at him from over her shoulder, the sight of it driving him nearly insane as he took her outstretched hand to follow her through the gathering of people.

They wound through the sea of bodies; bent on their own path towards some tiny antique shop that had all sorts of silver trinkets that had caught his flower's eye the last time they came to the Alley.

"I thought I saw a silver locket here last time with a Lily engraved on it. It's the perfect birthday gift for sissy."

He loved how her face lit up with excitement just thinking about such a silly small thing.

"If you...insist." He chose his words carefully as not to upset her.

It never seemed to bother her how he lacked obvious social skills.

Those skills had gotten worse those two years at Hogwarts's that they had spent apart. And so, of course, she took it upon herself to be patient with him as he relearned some of those skills again.

"There, that one!" She cried excitedly. Severus smiled sweetly at her.

"Sir, we wish to purchase the locket." He drawled. (Y/N) could understand why some people saw him as snobbish. But she knew better.

The owner grumbled a reply before wrapping it up and receiving payment from the overeager woman.

"You did so well." She kissed his cheek as they left the small shop.

"Only for you." He sighed with contentment at the look in her eyes. Severus took a strand of her hair between his fingers and tugged playfully at it. This earned him another sweet smile from his love.

Severus knew that he wanted to spend his life with her, even though they were only fresh out of Hogwarts.

"I have something for you." He murmured.

"Can't it wait for the Christmas party, Sev?"
Her doe eyes glittered.

"It can't." He knew he'd never have the courage to do it in front of all those people.
Even though he had her parents blessing, he was intimidated by James and Petunia.

He and Lily has since made peace.

"Close your eyes." He asked her gently.

She was breathtaking. A lovely vision surrounded by the snow and dusted with white. The snowflakes stuck to her long lashes. He wanted to kiss them.

Severus placed the small box in her hand and kissed it, making her smile.

"Don't open your eyes. Open the box."

Her dainty fingers outlined the box to find the clasp as he waited in anticipation.

As soon as her fingers touched the ring her eyes shot open.

"Will you marry me?"

The searing kiss he received was the answer to his prayers.

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