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His heart beat wildly in its cage, his feet ran through the mad maze of people. The reason? It was quite simple.
He was chasing after the girl that had always seemed to haunt his dreams and evade his reality. But tonight, she Har lured him in with secret smiles and tiny touches that enticed him. He was sure of it now. A woman so bewitching could never be a muggle. Merlin, he had never wanted anyone in his life and certainly not in this way. In a society that had laid out its rules long before he was born, the odds were simply not in his favor. But this young woman, oh, she was something else. Something he would risk everything for. Lose himself for. The sky lit up with muggle fireworks dancing across the black sea of stars, illuminating her full figure in the darkness like a beacon to a sailor lost. Merlin, she was everything.
In the sleepy shoreline settlement, all was always quiet, save for the day of the new year. The laughter of children and gay adults alike could be heard skittering across the void of water. All of it was background noise to him. He felt as though he was a dog again, chasing after something he could never reach. Until he did.

Sirius caught her at the count down, and kissed her at midnight as the sleepy towns people cheered for a new year.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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