R E M U S • L U P I N

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T W I L I G H T R E - I M A G I N E D

"I ' V E N E V E R G I V E N M U C H THOUGHT TO HOW I WOULD DIE. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a pretty good way to go."

I placed the book down as the sun began to set.

It would do me no good to continue if I couldn't read in the next five minutes.

I must have re-read Twilight like a million times by now. But I just really loved it. Sometimes, I could see scary similarities. Like the way my life was heading right now.

Sighing, I watched as the last orange rays evaporated behind a small hill.

I never thought I'd move here. The country of my father's birth. Not voluntarily, at least.

My skin was used to the warm comfort of sun and heat. Nothing cold and wet was ever appealing.

So how did I end up volunteering for this?

Simple: seeing my mom unhappy was a major guilt trip that I just couldn't stomach. She would never complain, but I knew that she wanted to be on the road with her new husband, supporting his rugby career.

Maybe that's why this decision wasn't so hard to make. Even though I hate Hogsmeade already.

See? I can't help but recognise the similarities between my life and my favorite book.

The countryside rolls by lazily from my dad's car as our trek starts to come to a close.

He was a detective here in the rural countryside of Scotland. That was before he decided to return to the Wizarding World for my sake. At least, part-time. He was more muggle than Mom sometimes and refused to give it up altogether. Constantine Blackburn was at his core someone who loved to help and had a deep regard for community.

Mostly among the non-magical folk.

So when news spread of his return from the long years of self isolation, lots of his old friends jumped at the opportunity to see him again.

Which is also why we'll be arriving the next morning instead of this afternoon like we were supposed to.

I swear, wizards and witches love gossip more than muggles. Especially when there is fresh blood involved. Thankfully dad took the lead because I'm not very good with people.

Especially when they get up in my face.

Especially about my attending Hogwarts.

I was fine studying magic at home in my spare time, but he wanted to give me the "full experience." Whatever that was. It was a long argument before I eventually gave in and gave up my pursuit of any muggle education.

We've been silent for hours now, none of us seeing the sense in breaking the comfortable bubble.

I check the clock on the dashboard. Nearly three-thirty a.m.

I hadn't even noticed where the time had gone. I probably dozed off again without noticing.

"Your hair looks longer than it did the last time I saw you."

I spoke too soon. One of us would break the comfortable bubble of silence.

Internal cringe.

I clear my throat and prepare to answer him when some crazy owl nearly hits the window screen.

"Dad, stop!"

The car was barely stationary before I all but rolled out to retrieve the nocturnal bird.

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