C E D R I C • D I G G O R Y

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D e a t h m o n g e r s

V I C T O R     K R U M     M A R C H E D
past the long tables in the Great Hall, sparing the students of Hogwarts no glances as he did. His loud footfalls echoed off the walls as students whispered all about him.

"Blimey, that's Viktor Krum!" Ron Weasley gushed at his Quidditch hero. His face lit up like it was Christmas as the sportsman continued to walked by him.

As he reached the front with his Headmaster, Dumbledore raised his hands to silence the hall of its gossiping.

"We have one more guest to welcome tonight." His voice carried over the students.

"Joining us in her final year is one of the most exceptional witches of this day and age. Please join me in welcoming Salem Institute's very finest, Miss. (Y/N) Ducannes!"

The giant oak doors of the Great Hall flung open once more in dramatic fashion, revealing a young woman standing outside.

In a slow manner she raised her head, looking straight ahead of her. Her fascinator slanted over half of her beautiful face, casting her in a mysterious light.

From across the Hufflepuff table, a pair of grey eyes would not leave her.

No one dared to make any noise as the slender witch made her way across the enchanted hall, heels tapping against the ancient stone. The candlelit light made her glow ethereally underneath the enchanted skies of Hogwarts.

Her long, black silk dress billowed behind her, adding to her aura of power.

Stark red lips stood out likes beacon of seduction for the men and boys of Hogwarts. Drawing them in closer for the kill.

A witch from Salem was not to be played with.

When (Y/N) joined Dumbledore, she turned on her heel to face the rest of the assembly, feeling Viktor Krum's eyes trailing over her face.

"Miss Ducannes, if you please." The old wizard motioned for her to sit down on the sorting stool. While it pained her to be subjected to such scrutiny, she understood that it was a rite of passage in the halls of Hogwarts.

The witch she had met earlier, mistress McGonagal, stood at her side, ready to apply the mangy looking thing on her head.

It reminded her of the day she and Gerald were sorted in Salem.

"There are five Houses. Longclaw , Crowling, Salamandersong, Serpentine and Longfin. Each represents an element of magic."

The two children held hands in hopes that they would not be separated.

"Which one would you pick?" The boy whispered.

"Longclaw. Mama says the cat is the house of Spirit. The most powerful part of magic."

"Then I want to be in Longclaw, too!" He proclaimed with determination.

It was fate, when they were both chosen by the Great Feline to join her House of Spirit.

With a sigh she removed her fascinator and placed it delicately on her lap.

Aaaah, a Ducannes. I haven't sorted one since your ancestors left on the Mayflower for the New World.

The famous Sorting Hat, I presume.

Some family traits never die. Perhaps another Slytherin then.

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