V I C T O R • K R U M

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T H E L I T T L E M E R M A I D watched as the ship creaked and groaned; making its way through the high sea.

Many of the lads aboard where already sleeping in their cabins. Viktor, however, found that could not sleep.

Instead he let himself be swayed with the ship, admiring the way the full moon lit up the surface of the ocean like a silver coin.

He had found himself here almost every night since the beginning of the journey. A voice had followed him from the harbor in Bulgaria out to sea.

When everyone else was surely asleep, the mistress of the song would raise her voice to touch his ears. Perhaps there had never been anything more beautiful than this. Nothing could compare to these moments he stole away in the middle of the night.

He found himself wondering if she would finally show herself to him tonight. Was it possible to fall in love with someone by the sound of their voice?

He repeated the last three notes back to the water, only to be answered by her echoing.

The mermaid watched him from where she was perched on the side of the ship, well out of his view. She had never seen anyone so handsome before.

(Y/N) had first seen him by the harbor that day when the ship first departed. He had been kind to those around him. It fascinated her to no end. Her father had always made such a show of how cruel humans in general were, that at first she thought he was being deceitful towards the old lady he had bought a flower from.

It was only luck when he made his way out onto the deck that first night, and ever since then she sang for him. In return for her song, he let go of the sunflower over the water as a gift to her. Her voice strung out even louder into the cool night air. She had nothing else to give him to show her admiration, and he seemed content with her voice.

The atmosphere of this night changed. The ocean was full of angst and restlessness. (Y/N) could tell that her father, the great King of the Sea was angry.

She had abandoned her kingdom without a word to follow this wizard on his journey out to sea. It did not bode well with her father.

In his very fine opinion, the merfolk should not mingle with wizards, who were in his opinion just as filthy as the muggles who littered his seas. The king was not the only one who shared his opinions on blood status it seemed.

Lightning cracked open the air and the thunder rolled in on its heels. The air stirred restlessly.
(Y/N) fell back into the waves and swiped her tail around to get his attention. She had to warn him. Viktor's attention was captured by the mermaid in the water, splashing about and waving her arms around in a distressed manner.

Only, he mistook the warning as a call for help. He leaned over with a long rope, calling for her to latch on, but she only shook her head and began motioning in earnest, hoping that he would understand and go below deck once more.

It was too late. The storm had only become worse from that point on.

Viktor finally understood and began retreating back deeper into the ship, holding onto anything and everything he could find to help his balance. The waves began beating angrily against the side of the ship. He skid from side to side as the vessel rocked violently, trying to get to safety.

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