005. 𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵

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A/N hey guys, i know dixie and griffin broked up and she is so much happier with noah. But for this story they are together, but we will have drama with them both.
Enjoy this chapeter :)

I woked up the next morning snuggeled up to nick, he was already waked up and on his phone.

You: goodmorning!

I smiled.

Nick: goodmorning!

He smiled.

Nick: zoe, dixie want to meet you, so me you dixie and griffin will go to saddle ranch tonight.

You: oh ok, i don't have anything tonight.

Nick: cool. What do you wanna do?

You: nothing just cuddling you all dat because you are pretty comfy.

I giggled.

Nick: um zoe?

You: yes?

I look up at him.

Nick: can we go tonight like our first date?

You: um.. i-

Nick: it's ok if you said no..

I kissed him.

You: i accept you idiot.

I smiled.

I was getting up when he pulled me back, when he was ontop of me, he stare at my eyes. He began to lean in. When i pulled my head to the other side.

Nick: Hey! You are mean!

He pouted. I laugh and kissed him. He smiled when he put his head on my stomach.
I smiled playing with his hair. I stopped to take my phone. When he look up at me. And pouted while he put my hand back on his hair. I laughed at him.

_______________________________Time skip to night____________

Me and nick were cuddling all the time. I got up and shower and wear this for tonight》

 I got up and shower and wear this for tonight》

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I finished and i walk out to my room. I made a little spin to show nick. I look at him he was staring.

You: do you like it?

Nick: you look hot.

You: thanks you don't look bad to yourself.

I smiled.

Nick: shall we?

You: Yes.

We went downstairs and saw everybody downstairs.

Bryce: were you two are going?

you: with dixie and griffin at saddle ranch.

josh: you two are dating or what?

nick: no we are not.

you: beside i just know him yesterday.

bryce: ok have fun!

nick/you: bye!

we drove to saddle ranch. We saw dixie and griffin on a table waiting for us. We went to them.

you: Hi!

i smiled hugging dixie.

dixie: Hi!

you: hi griffin!

i smiled shaking his hand.

griffin: hello!

we sit down with them. Nick is talking to griffin. While i talk with dixie.

dixie: nick huh?

she smirked.

you: no, i mean i just got up from a relationship. I can't date now.

dixie: oh, i hope your okay.

you: yea i'm okay now, bryce and nick and the sway boys are the best. I haven't told nick yet. Bet i will do when i'm ready i think.

dixie: just make sure you tell him before you and him will be together.
because nick has anger issues.

you: ok i will.

i smiled to her.

Nick's POV..

I was talking to griffin when i heard dixie and zoe talking about something . I just got closer and listen to them.

dixie: nick huh?

she smirked.

you: no, i mean i just got up from a ... ugh i didn't hear her.. I can't date now.

dixie: oh, i hope your okay.

you: yea i'm okay now, bryce and nick and the sway boys are the best. I haven't told nick yet. Bet i will do when i'm ready i think.

dixie: just make sure you tell him before you and him will be together.
because nick has anger issues.

you: ok i will.

I mean what she wanna tell me?
anyways i will talk to her today.

*back to your pov*

Nick: it's time to go zoe..

you: oh yes.. dixie it was nice meeting you. We should do it again.

i smiled at her.

dixie: definitely! Bye guys!

nick/you: bye!

I got up outside and wait for nick's car to come, there was alot of paparazi and flashing. I look up and saw nick comes he reached me and we went to his car. Once we arrived to the house i went to my room and change in my pjs.

Nick: is there something you wanna tell me?

you: huh?

I was so confused.

Nick: i heared you and dixie. What you wanna tell me zoe?

You: nick please it's not the time to talk about this.

I said putting my clothes back in my closet.

Nick: now zoe!

He kinda shouted so i decided to tell him.

You: fine! you wanna know?! The reason i'm here because my boyfriend back in florida cheated on me with my fucking bestfriend.

Nick: zoe i..

You: i'm going outside to get some air.

I sighed.

I walked outside and just look at the view. Thinking.. then I heard footsteps. I turned around and saw nick.
I continued to admire the view. Not saying anything.

Nick: zoe I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean anything...

You: it's okay you didn't know...

Nick: no, I'm truerly sorry because I shouted on you..

You: I said it's ok..

He smiled at me, and kissed my fourhead. I smiled at him and we went inside.
_____________________To be continued_________

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