002. 𝗶 𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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I woke up the next morning kinda excited to see my boyfriend john because i hadn't see him in a week, i showered and change in this 》

I woke up the next morning kinda excited to see my boyfriend john because i hadn't see him in a week, i showered and change in this 》

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I went downstairs and see my parents sitting on the couch. I went and snuggeled up to them. They smiled

"Goodmorning sweetie! Why you so happy today?" Mum asked

"Because i'm going to see john, i didn't see him in a week." I smiled

"Well have fun but not to much." Dad said winking

"DAD!" I said laughing

I went to the kitchen and make cereal. I ate them, then i made my way to the car and drove to his house. I have a spare key that he gaved me. Before i open the door, i heared giggling inside and a smell of cooking. I was kinda sus. So i opened the door quietly, and made my way to the kitchen. I saw john wrapping his arm around a girl, kissing her cheek while she is cooking. I dropped my bag on the floor tears forming in my eyes.
They turned around and the girl was my fucking bestfriend aria

"w..wait you two gotta be kidding me right?!" I said while my voice craks

"ZOE?!" John said surprised

"wait zoe it isn't what it looks like!" She said teary

"Yea it isn't what it looks like. wrapping your arms around her kissing her cheek, cooking together, and god KNOWS what else you two did. John i left you for a week and you're cheating on me with who? my bestfriend?! Aria? Seriously? you're the only one that i trust, i tell you all my secrets, and in the end you betrayed me. You could've just fucking told me you like him, but no cheating?! Don't except me to talk to you again the two of you! Have a good relationship!" I said storming to my car, with tears falling down to my cheeks

"no zoe please!" she said while crying

I saw john was chasing me, he grabbed my arm twistling me around i quickly shove my arm from him

"Baby please can we talk about it?" He said teary

"Don't fucking call me baby! we dated for almost a year and you cheated on me with my bestfriend? Really all of the girls in the world you didn't choose anyone just my bestfriend.. I hate you, please leave me alone." I cried

"zoe we didn't mean anything to happen, but i'm sorry to say this but i only dated you because i love aria." He said looking down

"all our 1 year is fake.. WHY DID YOU DATED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE HUH?!
YOU COULD'VE ASKED HER OUT, BUT YOU CHOOSE TO BREAK MY HEART. Once you looked at me, you say 'oh let's play with her feelings she is easy to play with'." I said sobbing

"please-" He cried

"just one question, did you ever loved me" I asked with tears fooling down

"I..I.. I don't know okay?" He sobbed

"okay you answered my question bye.."

I went inside my car, i saw aria was staring at me crying, i look at her one more time, then i drove to my house

I went inside and saw a note

"Hello sweetheart, we have an emergency trip so we can't be home for 2 months.
I left money for you 1,000,000$ in your card so you can get what you want.
Be safe. We love you.
-your parents <3."

I just cried harder because i didn't get to say goodbye to them, i decided to facetime bryce


Bryce: Hey sis! How's you doing?

You: not good  -I started to cry

Bryce: why? what happened?

You: john cheated on me with my fucking bestfriend aria

Bryce: wait aria as in your bestfriend?

You: yes  -I started to sob

Bryce: please sis don't cry i promise i will come and punch the shit out of him

You: bryce no, actually mom and dad are on a emergency trip for 2 months and i'm here alone so i decided to fly to you and see sway

Bryce: that's genious, i will book your flight at 9:00 am tomorrow

You: ok bryce can't wait to see you again, i've missed you!

Bryce: i missed you too sis see ya tomorrow and don't cry please

You: i will try goodbye brycey

Bryce: goodbye sissy

_________Time skip to______   

well i don't have anything to do so i changed in my pjs, and watch a movie.
I cried my self to sleep

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