041. 𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸

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it has been 1 year and you hadn't heard one thing from nick. you hate him from what he did to you but at the same time you are worried about him

You didn't took of your engagement ring because you had a feeling that nick is coming back

Madelyn and luka are 2 now. They ask where is dada and that stuff
you just avoid this question

You are in an apartment no one knows where you are. You even changed your phone number to no one contact you because you wanna be alone. You just told bryce because he is your brother. But he promised that he wouldn't tell anyone your number and your address

You let the kids with your baby sitter she had been with you from the start so you trust her with your kids

you decided to go to the beach alone as there where nick proposed you want to be alone

you decided to go to the beach alone as there where nick proposed you want to be alone

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you showered and changed in this ^

you grabbed your car keys and you went to tell emmie (the baby sitter) that you are going out

You: hey emmie i'm going out. Take care of them okay?

Emmie: of course!

You: bye baby's!

Luka & madelyn: bye mama

You smiled at them and you went to your car getting in and driving to the beach

Once you arrived you parked your car and you made your way to the beach

You are just admiring the view and memories flew up to your head

You missed him so much but you tell yourself everyday that you hate him but deep inside you.. you don't hate him but your mad at him for what he did to you

Then a gentle hand is placed on your shoulder. You jumped a little bit as this someone scared you

You look up and it was the last person you excepted to see it was...

Keep scrolling...

Just a little bit more!

AnD a liTtlE bIt moRe...

It was nick. You look up at him shocked and hurt. He could see the hurt in your eyes

You: what are you doing here?!

Nick: i came to see you i missed you so much

You: you missed me?! Really?! You are acting like you didn't do anything wrong! I hate you from what you did to me nick i. Hate. You!

Nick was hurt by your words. The love of his life is saying in his face that she hates him. It really hurts

Nick: let me explain what happened please

You: there is nothing to explain about the text that you sent me it it explained all! Please nick i don't want to see you

Nick: ok fine! You wanna know why i didn't come! I was kidnapped zoe! And they threaten me if i go back to you they will kill you and of course i don't want that to happen I love you so much and i don't know what to do without you. Without you I'm not me please zoe believe me this is the truth
And the text they send it. They slapped me to say my phone password and they sent you the text. I love you so much to ever do that to you

You: 1 year. who kidnap one year nick?! One year you left me and your kids. Luka and madelyn always ask me where is dad. What response i should tell them huh? That your dad was kidnapped for 1 year and he didn't come to our wedding?

Nick pulled you close to him and you stare at his eyes that you missed so much. He pulled you in a tight hug if that his life depends on it

your head was on his chest inhaling his scent that you missed so much
Then he pulled away from the hug and he stare at your hazel eyes and he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear

Nick: believe me please this what happened i love you so much to ever leave you

You: but-

Nick: no buts please. I love you

You: I love you too

He bring you in a kiss. But this kiss was fill in love a passionate. It was magical with the sunset going down

Once you pulled away you hugged him so tight

You: please don't ever leave me🥺

Nick: no baby don't cry. I'm always here with you i love you

He pecked your lips and he wiped your tears. Then he stroked your face with his hand

Nick: do you remember the day that you wore the white dress and i don't come? Let's continue that day

You: but w-

Nick: shush.. zoe marie hall will you marry me again?

You: of course i will!

He spined you around and he hugged you so tight

You: promise forever and ever?

He kissed you

Nick: forever and ever!


Madelyn: mum!

You: yes hunny?

Madelyn: my boyfriend is here!

Nick: when did i agree to this?

You: nick! She is 17 she is old enough to get a boyfriend!

Nick: sorry. Bring him here

???: Hi i'm madelyn's boyfriend. My name is Jake!

You: hi sweetie! I'm madelyn's mum my name is zoe and this is her dad his name is nick. And this madelyn's brother luka

Luka: hey bro!

Jake: nice to meet you all!

Madelyn: ok me and Jake are going to my bedroom

Nick: have fun but not too much

you playfully punched him in the arm

Nick: what? We don't need grandchildren yet

You: ok honey have fun!

Luka: and i'm single pringle!

You: you will always be

Luka: 😑

Nick: nah my boy will get all the girls

After years and years they are a happy family and the best family anyone could ask for


Hey y'all <3

So this is the end😭

But i'm working on another book!
And it's called 'me or her'

It's all about nick austin

So stay tuned for my next book!

Stay home and stay safe ❣️

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