015. 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂?

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I wake up the next morning having a big headache but naked? What the actual fuck is going on? I look up next to me and saw nick also naked? Fuck! No! No!
I shake nick. Till he wakes up.
He get up and rubs his eyes.

Nick: what happened?

Then he look at me. Then in my eyes.

Nick: we did didn't we?

You: I really do not remember anything.

Nick: me too. Everyone was so drunk.

You: look can we keep it as a secret because i don't want people to make me uncomfortable.

Nick: anything for you. Now go and get ready we are going to the beach.

He kissed my cheek. I smiled then i get up and i get my dress off the floor. And i showered and change in this.

You change in this bathing suit ^ and you put your Rob over this

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You change in this bathing suit ^ and you put your Rob over this.

Then i get out of the bathroom to the room. I was putting my natural makeup when i saw nick checking me out.

You: take a picture it last longer.

I smiled.

Nick: sorry your just beautiful.

You: it's okay. I finished.

Nick: ok let's go.

I grabbed my phone and my towel then we went downstairs to the beach where everyone is.

Charli: hey beb! i've missed you!

She hugged me.

You: thank you beb! But you saw me yesterday!

I laughed.

Thomas: anyways guys bryant is going to take pictures he will edit them then you guys can post it.

Me and the girls look at each other.

Chris: you guys are scary looking at each other like this.

Nick: they are scary.

You/the girls: PHOTOS!

Sebastian: holy shit!

After that i fell arms wrapped around me, i look up and saw nick, but he picked me up.


Then i hear charli.

Charli: CHASE! NO!

I guess all the boys are doing it with there girls.

Then i've been thrown in the sea.

You: nick! At least help me!

He laughed and reached his arm then i pulled him in with me.

You: karma is a bitch!

Avani: YA! BAE! ILY!

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