010. 𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲

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I waked up the next morning still in my position as i was on my phone yesterday, i checked my phone and there was 5% battery so i put him on the charge.

You showered and change in this^^-------------------

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You showered and change in this^^

I walk downstairs and there is everyone who is eating breakfast.

You: good morning!

Anthony: good morning lil hall!

You: funny anfony.

Avani: we make toast with eggs do you want to?

You: duh.

I went and sit next to her, i put the toast on my plate and i began to eat.

Bryce: i want you to meet one of my friends and i think he will treat you so much good more then nick.

You: bryce me and nick were never a thing. And who told you i wanna be in a relationship right now?

Addi: please zoe for me!

She pouted.

Josh: just get to know him, i'm sure you will like him.

You: fine.

I said rolling my eyes. I finished eating then i put my plate in the sink.
Then i heard a knock on the door.

You: i will open it!

I open it and i saw nick and madison, ugh here we go again.

Nick: hello zoe.

You: hi.. come in..

Madison: thank you, is addison here?

You: yes why?

I was confused.

Madison: because i want her to help me for getting ready cz nick is taking me on a date.

I was a bit sad.

You: oh.. but she is with bryce right now?

She went upstairs anyways, ugh what a jerk. I closed the door, and nick was already sitting on the couch.
I went to grab my phone.

Nick: how you going?

You: good.

Then i sit on the couch the opposite of nick, i went through Instagram and i scroll. I was just silent for all the time.

Nick: this is how friends talk to each other being silent?

You: what? What you wanna talk about?

Nick: look i know we-

Then somoene knocked on the door. I went and opened it, and it was a boy but I'm sure he is the boy who bryce told me about.

You: Hi! You're bryce's friend right?

I smiled.

?: Yes i'm vinnie hacker. Bryce told me about you, you are more pretty in real life.

I blushed.

You: aw thanks! Come in.

Vinnie: thank you pretty lady.

I giggled at his nickname who has gave me. Vinnie went to the kitchen where is everyone. I was going to follow him but nick grabbed my arm tightly.

You: ow! Nick stop your hurting me!

I said silently because i don't want to bryce start a fight.

Nick: pretty lady? Vinnie? Seriously?

You: nick stop, what has gotten into you? You're jealous? You are the one who said to be friends. Ok? So stop hurting me!

I wince then he stepped back and i hold my arm.

Nick: i-i'm so so-

You: save it please.

I went to the kitchen and pretend like nothing happened when my arm was hurting but i shrugged it off.

Avani: were where you?

You: i was in the bathroom.

Bryce: oh no problem.

You: is addi still getting madison ready?

Bryce: yes, she came in our room without knocking like she is a mom or whatever, what if me and addi yk 'busy'.

You: eww bryce we don't want to know.

Bryce: can you come i wanna whisper you.

I made my way to bryce and he whisper.

Bryce: go and take vinnie outside and talk to each other.

You: ok fine.

I whispered back.

You: vinnie let me take you outside a little bit.

Vinnie: ok coming!

He then get up and he reached me, we walked outside together, we last the living room but i didn't see nick i think they left. We sit on the couch.

Vinnie: just a question.

I turned to face him.

Vinnie: who was the boy that he was next to you.

You: you mean that one who was sitting the opposite of me?

Vinnie: yes that one.

You: it was nick, him and her girlfriend was going on a date and her girlfriend was getting ready here. With addison.

I said a bit of sadness in my voice.

Vinnie: why did you sounded sad?

You: me? No i'm okay.

Vinnie: please tell me i'm here for you.

You: fine.. me and nick liked each other from 5 months ago, but he kissed amelie at a party but it was her fault and i left la to florida leaving him with no explanation and he moved on. And i moved on too. We talked and we are friends now.

Vinnie: that's a lot.. but you two dated?

You: no.. we just admitted our feelings but this happen and we are here now.

Vinnie: oh i'm sorry.

You: no it's okay.

Then i turned to face him, he was staring at my arm, i was confused then i look and i saw a red bruise on my arm.. then i remember it was from nick when he grabbed my arm.

Vinnie: what is that?

You: n.. nothing.

Vinnie: zoe say what is it or i will tell bryce.

You: no. no. not bryce please!

Vinnie: then tell me!

You: when you knocked on the door and we talk to each other and you told me that i'm more pretty in real life and that you called me pretty lady.
Nick grabbed my arm tightly and he was jealous.

Vinnie: i will tell bryce.

You: no! Please vinnie please!

I start to tear up because i don't want nick to get hurt, or bryce.

Vinnie: ok i will not tell bryce please don't cry.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. Then vinnie wiped them off and he stroke my face then he hugged me, i wrapped my arms around his waist and he put an arm around me and he stroke my back. His hugs was so sweet like nick, but i think vinnie is sweet and caring.

Then i fell asleep, all i know i was being cared upstairs.

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