008. 𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘁?

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The next morning my alarm goes off at 7:00am. I got up from my bed leading to the bathroom, i showered, brushed my teeth, do my morning routine, and wear a hoodie and sweatpants for the airport.
I looked at the time it was 7:35am.
I grabbed my suitcase and i made my way downstairs and saw the boys passing out on the couch. I silently laughed at them, before i leave from the door, i kissed bryce on the fourhead (a sibling way) then i look at the house one more time and i made my way to the airport.

I went through security and checked out and everything, i just now waiting for the plane to be called.

After 20 mins, my flight get called so i made my way to the plane.

**Back to sway**

Josh waked up and he was grabbing a water from the fridge, then he see a note then he begin to read it.


Seconds, everyone was crowded with josh in the kitchen.

Bryce: what happened dude?

Josh: i was getting water then i saw this note it's from zoe.

Addi: is she okay?

Josh: i will read it.

Josh reads the note, and everyone was nearly in tears.

Bryce: she really left?

Josh: i'm sure she left.

Addi: i only know her for a few days but she is so sweet, and i will miss her.

Mads: we didn't even talk, but i will miss her so much.

Nessa: she is a sweetheart.

Bryce: this is all fucking nick's fault.

Avani: it's not.. it's amelie's fault she is the one who forced him to kiss her, and zoe get it the wrong way. And she left.

Anthony: well i think she will rock me.

Avani: anthony!

Bryce went to the couch, and sit in tears. Addison noticed him so she went and sit next to him, and comfort him in a loving way.

Addison: talk to her.

Bryce: you're right. I will call her!

**Back to you**

I was on the plane, i still have 2 hours to get to florida. Then my phone start to ring, i checked it and it was bryce.
I guess he knew that i left.


You: Hello bryce!

Bryce: Hi sis! Where are you?

You: i'm on the plane right now.

Bryce: but why did you left?

You: i already told you guys on the note.

Bryce: but everyone is sad.

You: i know but i left for the best.

Bryce: it wasn't nick's fault. It was amelie's fault.

You: bryce can we please not talk about him.

Bryce: I'm sorry.

You: don't worry.

Bryce: are you gonna even come back to la?

You: i don't even know. But i need to take a brake for my self.

Bryce: oh ok be safe!

You: will be bye!

Bryce: bye!

I just went through the texts and see one from nick i decided to read it.


Can you please come to
the hype house i wanna

The fact that he didn't know that i left without saying anything to him.
I felt bad. I think he has explanation but i already left.

**Nick's pov**

I saw that zoe saw my text but she didn't respond so i decided to go to sway and to explain to her, because i can't loose her.
I showered and i got ready, i grabbed my keys and i drove to the sway house.
Once i got there i knocked on the door, i was hoping that zoe is the one who opened the door but no.. it was bryce.

Nick: Hi..

Bryce: Hi nick come in.

Nick: thank you..

I made my way inside but i didn't see zoe, and i couldn't hear her voice.
Then i see bryce coming my way.

Nick: uh bryce?

Bryce: yes?

Nick: is your sister in her room?

Bryce sighs and didn't say anything i was confused so i decided to go to her room by myself. I opened her door.
Her room was so clean and silent.
I checked the bathroom and there was no one, i got sus and i checked her closet i look up and saw that it was empty. What? Where did she go? She left without saying anything to me?
I really did messed up!
I turned around and i saw bryce was standing there.

Nick: bryce.. where did your sister go?

Bryce: nick.. it really isn't my place to tell you but all i'm gonna say is that she left.

Nick: but where? Is she here in la?!

Bryce: no.. she left home.. but i will not tell you were because she is not ready to see you or to talk to you..

Nick: oh.. but i missed her.. i missed everything in her.

Bryce: it's okay dude.

Nick: is she coming back?

Bryce: that's the problem, she said that she don't know if she gonna come back here.

After that bryce left, and i sit on her bed with my head in my hands i really did messed up but i wanna see her.
I wanna explain. But what's the result? She left me with no explanation. I didn't have another chance to talk to her. I guess i'll need to move on.

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