028. 𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿'𝘀

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You: can we go to your rooftop?

Nick: of course come on

He takes your hand, holding it with you holding it back. you guys made your way to his room and you climb to the rooftop. Then you guys sit down next to eachother admiring the view

You: the view is adorable

Nick: like you

He glanced at you and you look at him smiling then he couldn't hold it anymore and then he pressed his lips against yours

Nick: i missed you so much

You: i missed you more

A silence but a comfortable one. then you though about telling him about his baby because he deserves to know

You: uh nick i need to tell you something serious

Nick: ok? Go ahead

You: um, when i went back home to florida uh after a month being there i got a bad contractions in my stomach, i.. i went to the hospital and i checked and i was..

Nick: you was what?

You: i was pregnant

Nick: oh.. i'm sorry was it ashton's baby?

You: no.. it was your's nick

He was shocked very shocked the girl is sitting next to him was carrying his baby

You: but i've lost it

Nick was in tears he could love to have a family especially with the love of his life

Nick: How?

He whisper, not having this energy to talk all he could think about if madison did not force him will they will be the best family? will they will be happy and living there best life?

You: i went to a party with my ex back in florida and i was drinking a water since i can't drink alcohol, i went to the bathroom and when i got back i continued to drink water when i passed out and then they took me to the hospital and i was poisoned when i found out that i lost the baby

you look down in tears you two sit there not knowing what to say

Nick: i'm so sorry but we can try again in the future, i am sure this was a sign that both of us are not ready yet. But i would love to have a family with you, but maybe in the future

He then bringed you in a hug that you need right now. You hugged him tighter by putting your head on his chest inhaling his scent with a few tears falling down on your cheek

You: I missed you so much nick even if i had a boyfriend but it was never the same, you are perfect

Nick: no you are the perfect one here i thought i had lost you forever but you are here now laying in my arms. I had missed you so fucking much i had been crying all day and night when you were gone and not beside me anymore

You: I'm so sorry i shouldn't leave you like that. i should've of let you explain. i'm very sorry and i hope you know that

Nick: it's not your fault, i would react the same way i-

You: no because of me you are getting hate and you went on tik tok room just because of me. Sorry i'm a horrible person

Nick: please zoe, you are not a horrible person you are the perfect person that i've seen in my eye. You are so pretty and without you i'm not me. zoe i hadn't stop loving you and thinking about you everyday. You are my everything and i hope you will be mine again

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