harry x reader XMAS SPECIAL (tw: gore, s3ggggzzz, language, severe shat)

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so its xmas eve! im so hyped. not everyone celebrates xmas so lmk in the comments if u want me to do another holiday story. im putting more tws so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. anyway let's just hope next year is at least a little better than this one.  Btw this is my longest story. it's like 673 words.

oh and here's a key bc i forgot to do this on my last x reader fanfic:
y/n - your name
y/l/n - your last name
y/f/n- your full name
y/m/n - your middle name
y/h/h - your hogwarts house
if u a gryffindor stay off 😤😤😤
ok jk y'all are chile

um chile anywayz so

it was an exciting time. you were so happy that it was finally christmas. you were also excited because hogwarts was having a christmas dance. you wanted to invite your crush harry. you thought he was REAL hawt. anyway you went back to the y/h/h common room. you sat down on the couch and your bestie named julia came towards you. she farted a lot but you tolerated her. "so who are you *faaaaaart* taking to the dance?" asked julia. "im *faart* going *faaaaaaaaaaaaaart* by myself as i usually do with things like this." "i can see why" i said. julia looked pissed and walked away. i sat down and thought about asking harry. i decided to wait till it was time for lunch. i was starving as hell.

it was finally lunch time and i was sitting at the y/h/h table. i wanted to ask harry right there and then. i couldn't though. i was too nervous. "y/l/n" you heard a voice say. it was fred. you didn't like him. "what in the effin hell do you want" "wanna go to the chirstmas dance with me?" "ew no" you said. (sorry fred this reader is a bee-otch) i began pissedly eating my eggs. i wanted to make harry horny. i started moaning for everyone in the whole great hall to here. right there and then everyone was giving me weird looks. i ran to the bathroom crying. when i got out dumbledore was running towards me wisely. "c o m e  t o  m y  o f f i c e" he said. you reluctantly followed him to his weird ass office. "w e l l  w e l l  w e l l" he said "w e  d o  n o t  t o l e r a t e  p u b l i c  m a s t e r  b a i t i o n" "i wasn't master baiting you perv. i thought the eggs were so good" " o h" dumbledore said "w e l l  g o  t o  c l a s s" dumbledore looked so embarrassed. i definitely had won. anyway by the time i got back lunch was over so i went to class. i had effing divination with annoying ass trelawney. um anywayz so hawt harry waz there and i sat next to him and started grinding on my chair. i asked him to go to the dance with me. he hornily said "yes" (btw hornily is an adverb for horny)

at the dance:
so i danced with harry and it was H A W T. dumbledore was pissedly watching me. anywayz i danced with harry and i kissed him and it was hot. so hot umbridge got fired. after umbridge got fired we had another party. we all had fun. i kissed harry again and it was so hot we set hogwarts on fire. so yeah it was that hot. then we went to the gryffindor common room and had s3ggzzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXX ultra s3gz it was horny. anyways i changed the POV again but enjoy and then the reader got preg. "you are so hawt y/n you hot hoe bitchass hoe mothertrucker" harry said. jesus


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