chapter 1: demumbridge (umbridge x dementor) tw: shooting

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it was an ordinary day for dolores umbridge and she was really excited to go and torture children. she also had
been catching feelings for a dementor (actually several dementors because she is a hoe) um anywayzzz... umbridge was sitting in her classroom when a dementor walked in. she made sure her butt looked big and she has flab on her bumcheeks but she thinks that cute and quirky and different. the dementor looked at umbridge and began to make kissy faces at her until umbridge got up and stated kissing the dementor. her lips were chapped and so the dementor rotted. then another dementor came in and she started making out with it with her chapped lips. the dementor didn't mind as much. then harry walked in and started filming them and then got shot by umbridge and she shat in the toilet 🚽

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