Chapter 4- Wanda

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     Thor gently took Diana's waist. Wonder Woman looked into his blue, sparkling eyes and a warm smile lit up her face.

-You know, you are the only one here who reminds me of myself- Thor whispered to her and spun her around.

-Why? Superman is quite powerful too.

-It is not only about power. You are a daughter of a chief god, also crown princess and heiress to the throne.

-Oh, yeah, sure.

-How was it? adjusting to the new world.

-First, it was quite difficult, to be honest. All these clothes and shoes, jewelry was so strange for me. I desperately wanted to wear my Amazonian armor and shield, but.... in this world, there are different rules.

-Ask me!- Thor laughed and spun around Diana again- You should have seen the faces of Midguardians when they saw my hammer and armor for the first time.


-In Asgard, we call humans Midguardians.

-Well, humans do not see handsome and mighty warriors every day, especially gods.

-So you think I am handsome?- Thor flirted.

-Every god and goddess are handsome- this was the only answer Diana figured out to avoid awkwardness.

-That's right- good of thunder seemed disappointed, thus Wonder Woman quickly changed the subject:

-Tell me more about Asgard.

-Asgard is an immense and divinely beautiful place. Golden castle, huge gardens with rivers, lakes and all kinds of flowers. The best part is the fields and mountains for training.

-Oh, that's the topic I would love to discuss in a detailed way. Tell me everything, what kind of weapons are you using, how many times a day do you train, et cetera.

   Thor wanted to answer, but suddenly Carol interrupted them.

-Sorry, guys, Diana, Wanda wants to see you.

   Leaving Thor was the last thing Amazonian Princess wanted, but still, she went to Wanda.

The moment she left, Carol took Thor's waist, began dancing, and whispered to his ear.

-Are you out of mind?


-An astonishingly beautiful woman, dream princess flirts with you and you are just talking to her?

-Come on, Cap, it is just...

-Just what, Thor, it is hard to find woman like Diana and you know that.

-But it is hopeless.

-Why? Clearly, she likes you too.

-That does not change a fact, that we belong to different universes.

-So what? we have portals.

-But we all agreed not to visit each other's universes. It is part of an agreement.

-Think about it later. Now, go, talk to Diana, and ask her out.


-Now, you idiot!


-No more but. Do not lose your chance, life is short.

   Thor smirked and raised an eyebrow.

-Seriously? I am more than 1500 years old.

-Pfff, whatever. Go!
    Thor hesitated, then nodded and went to Diana.

-So, I was wondering, do you want to go somewhere else and drink some Midguardian drink with me?

   Diana smiled. Thor was so cute at this moment, sure why not,I lo...-her words were interrupted by the strong explosion. Fire and smoke filled the room.

    Superheroes had a quick reaction. Aquaman quickly seized the fire, Doctor Strange rebuild the walls, Doctor Banner, alongside Thor, Wonder Woman, Superman, Captain Marvel, and Cyborg, smashed the brown strange creatures, who attacked them after the explosion. Meanwhile Flash checked the building and Batman activated The Maximum Protection in the building's security system.

-Is everybody okay?- shout Carol.

-Yeah! We are right- said Wanda and set down on the floor. Suddenly, one brown creature who was seemed dead stabbed her in the belly.

-Wanda!- yelled Wonder Woman and ran to her, while Thor smashed the creature with a single hand.

-Let me see!- Doctor Banner, who turned back to his human form, ran to Scarlet Witch.

-Wound is deep and it is poisoned!- He looked at the other superheroes with a worried face.

-What does it mean? Is she going to be okay?- Asked Carol and grabbed Wanda's hand.

     The doctor hesitated and then slowly nodded.

-yes! She will hold on, Wanda.

     The scarlet witch did not say anything, she was trying to endure the terrible pain she was experiencing.

-Mister Wayne, do you have a hospital chamber or equipment here? Wanda needs immediate surgery- The doctor turned to Batman.

-Of course!

       Superheroes gathered in front of the hospital room, while Doctor Banner was performing surgery.

-Who were these creatures? Do you have any idea?-asked Flash.

-No need for suggestions, I know exactly-said Strange and everyone turned to him.

-These creatures are Hades's servants.

-What?-asked shocked Diana-You mean god of the underworld?

-Yes, princess, seems like your uncle returned.

-It is impossible all the Olympian gods are dead.

-No, they are not. In fact, Hades was never dead, he survived but pretended that he did not. He was hiding and waiting for the right time to come back.

-How do you know this?-asked Aquaman.

-There was a prophecy in one of the books, the Ancient one gave me to read- Strange explained.

-So you knew all this time that some dangerous underworld god was coming?- Aquaman seemed angry.

-I did not know the exact time, I only knew that it was going to happen one day.

-Great! just when I thought that some peaceful time would come, the god of the underworld rises- said Flash.

   Superheroes were silent for the rest of the time. After two hours Doctor Banner came out from the surgery toom.

-How did it go?-asked everyone together.

-I did everything in my power to heal her wound, for now, she is stable, but, unfortunately, she was stabbed by the poisoned dagger. I know this poison is from the underworld, I do not know how these creatures had it, but...

-They were from underworld-quickly explained Superman-continue, Doctor, please.

-That explains a lot, so this poison is deadly and if we do not find an antidote, Wanda will die exactly one month later-said Banner and tears filled his eyes.

    Everyone looked at each other with worried faces.

-Tell us where is the antidote and we will bring it- said Carol firmly.

-Unfortunately, there is no one place. An antidote must be made by a mix of ingredients, I know how to it, but we have to get all that is needed.

-Tell us, where are they!_said, Thor.

-One ingredient is in Vanahaim, the Second in Atlantis, the third can be found on the Olympus mountain, and the fourth and last one in- Underworld.

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